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Sijo: WDYS #255 It’s Not Rocket Science

uncertainty looms in every corner
—what to do, what to do 

but all ills come equipped, they say,
complete with answers waiting 

the humane will figure it out: not exactly
rocket science

Copyright ©️ selma 

Thanks for reading my friends. I wish us all miracles to remind us that we are one human race thriving under the same sky. May we figure “it” out soon.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. beth

    Yes, I really hope so

  2. D.L. Finn, Author

    That is my hope, Selma 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      With heart and brains we could get things resolved I hope.
      🤞 no one saying it’s easy
      Let’s hope this materializes soon.
      Thanks for reading and commenting dear D.L. Bless you 🤗

  3. Suzette Benjamin

    Wonderful poetry Selma!
    “but all ills come equipped…”- poignant!

    1. Selma Martin

      Problems come with solutions. Hope it’s obvious soon. (Because I will continue to pray for peace for all)
      Thanks for reading and commenting my friend. Xo

      1. Suzette Benjamin

        Yes, I join you in prayer for Peace, Selma! Blessings to you!

    1. Selma Martin

      It isn’t rocket science. Requires a look within. Answers reside there. In the spiritual. Thanks so much Diana. Hope all’s well.

  4. Sadje

    Very wisely written my friend. It IS TIME that we do figure it out! Thanks for joining in my friend

  5. Dawn Pisturino

    I’ve been leaving comments, but they never seem to show up. Anyways, you know how much I love your poetry!

    1. Selma Martin

      Dawn, I’ve been receiving your comments. Perhaps It is I who isn’t acknowledging. Forgive me please my sweet. I’m limiting my WP/online time for now. Bless you. 🤗

  6. memadtwo

    If only we knew what “it” was…(K)

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, sometimes “it” is indiscernible like another shape among shadows around. May we soon find “it” and work on resolving with heart foremost. (Brains we have, but some things need more heart) Thanks K. Just my two cents for the prompt.

  7. rajkkhoja

    Lovely & interested written sijo. Powerful words written you.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for your kind words dear Raj. Bless you always. I hope cool breeze has arrived in your area.

      1. rajkkhoja

        Most welcome dear Selma, Yes!

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