You are currently viewing Senryu: My Big Fleeting Moment of Enchantment–Summer Gratitude to HOTEL by Masticadores
Hey, you lookin' at me? Image: Openverse.

Senryu: My Big Fleeting Moment of Enchantment–Summer Gratitude to HOTEL by Masticadores

Happy Friday Everyone. I hope everyone’s enjoying their summer.

My big news today is my heart has expanded for having yet another poem accepted
to nest at the lovely literary magazine, Hotel de Los Corazones Rotos.

Thank you, Editor Michelle Ayon Navajas at The Hotel of Broken Hearts, for
publishing my series of nature senryu I hope makes you smile.

“Senryu in English focuses on the awkward moments in
life making the human,
not the world around them, the subject.”

~ Colleen Chesebro, Prose Metrist, Novelist, & Word Witch

Please click the link to read about the chubby Koi’s foible that gifted me a pleasant
moment in nature. (I chose a few ways to tell you the story).
The post goes live today, August 9, 2024, at 11:00 am CEST–Please enjoy.

Gracias, compañeros.

Aside: Yesterday at 4:43 p.m. we experienced a Nankai Trough mega earthquake.
The authorities issued the first-ever risk alert and asked us to be prepared.
Preparation is key. We are preparing. Keep us in your prayers, please. Thanks.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Take care and stay safe.
    Congratulations on the acceptance.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so much dear Sadje. We’re being shaken more than is comfortable 😳
      But we’re safe. Thanks for reading and commenting. XoXo

      1. Sadje

        You’re most welcome 🤗

  2. beth

    congrats on this, selma and luckily our hearts are capable of expanding exponentially <3

    1. Selma Martin

      The heart is an ever expanding organ. How lucky we are. Thanks so much Beth. Tell everyone I said “good night” 😉 🤗 😴

  3. Destiny

    congratulations 🎉
    …and take care, Selma…🤍🙏

  4. memadtwo

    Stay safe Selma, and congratulations! (K)

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