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Rumi quote on Hope. Photo by Selma. Image on The Twitter at one time not too long ago.

Reviews: What’s The Big Deal With Someone’s Random Opinion On A Book?

You can focus on the obvious; the influence a review has on prospective customers
can boost sales. But have you ever considered what receiving a review must feel
like for the Author?

In The Shadow of Rainbows, my baby book debut poetry collection continues to
receive one positive review after another, which makes me feel accomplished.

What this means in simple language is that it makes me feel good.
Good about the time I invested in this project.
Good about how the words are lined up.
Good to be understood, or at best, to find that some can relate.
So good that it has boosted, not sales and profits–morale!

And though it’s not the readers’ job to make the author feel good, receiving one
makes the journey worth it: an honest, positive review can make an author
feel good about the work they put out into the world. Writers are often insecure
about themselves and the words they weave together, so having someone say how
much they enjoyed the story, the writing, the characters, or the message they were
trying to convey can go a long way in boosting their morale.

Here are the do’s and don’t of writing book reviews where books are sold.
You can forget any of this when writing the review on your website.
It’s appreciated all the same. We love you…


On behalf of all indie authors, myself included:
Thanks for leaving reviews to encourage
others to read the book and for making us
insecure writers feel good about baring
our souls like this.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You…
Authors, let’s continue writing good books that matter. xoxo

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    Beautiful Rumi thought.

      1. rajkkhoja


    1. Selma Martin

      Diana, please lead me to your latest book. Can I get it on Amazon? Give me the title as it appears out in the world. Yay. Thanks for reading and commenting. 🤗

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