You are currently viewing REBLOGGING: “The Tale of Genji: A Review” by Selma Martin
The Cover of selected parts from The Tale of Genji. Photo by Selma.

REBLOGGING: “The Tale of Genji: A Review” by Selma Martin

Hello dear people. Firstly, my heart overflows with gratitude for Barbara Leonhard for
the great honor of publishing my review of The Tale Of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu on
Masticadores USA. 

Do you remember I told you about that book? It took me many long weeks to read.
But here’s the review of the story for your enjoyment.

Be sure to read the disclaimer from Selma: 

Um, it’s iffy that you will want to take her (my) word seriously–this, coming from someone
who tried hard but couldn’t get past the first two DVD episodes her neighbor lent her of
Game Of Thrones, (though she did complete the entire series of Breaking Bad).

Someone who didn’t like the novel, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, and who still cannot
get into Tolstoy’s War and Peace (a thick book with too small print and too many characters—her biggest excuse–Please convince her it’s a good read)…

Someone who doesn’t have the bandwagon to lift herself (literature-wise) by her bootstraps
to save herself, but who, for the first two and a half months of the year gave in to many
many hours of solitude to read one book with all the humility she could muster…

Someone who paused often to pick up her bottom lip from the floor; dazzled by the ephemeral
beauty in every page—Um, it’s iffy that you will.

In her (my) defense, suffice it to say that even someone like me could appreciate the
beautiful language written in the early 11th century by the noblewoman, poet, and
lady-in-waiting, Murasaki Shikibu.

I’d be so honored if you’d click the link to read the
actual review of the story
(not the translated books)

Oh, the permissiveness of the times! The Tale Of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu is my greatest achievement to date. I’ve had the itch to read this book …

“The Tale of Genji: A Review” by Selma Martin
Selma Martin
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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    Beautiful written review. !
    Interesting story.

    1. Selma Martin

      Maria… you are too sweet. Thanks so much for appreciating my efforts. Glad to hear you say that. Thanks for reading at Masticadores USA. I soooo appreciate this. Blessings.

  2. Michele Lee

    You’re a treasure, Selma who I greatly admire. Your reviews are stellar.

  3. Selma Martin

    I’m so glad you appreciate my efforts at bringing out the best in the books that grab my heart. Thanks for your lovely words. Always.
    One fine day I will catch up with all the blogs I love here too. One fine day. Bless you.

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