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Reblogging: Memories Make the Story #MondayBlogs #Memories #families #sisters #secrets

What joy to know this amazing human. Do you know her? Author Judith Barrow.

The first time I told you about her was in this post in 2022:

Now I’ll make time to read The Memory. Wanna read it too? 😉 let’s 👏🏽


Many people have asked me what was the inspiration for The Memory and my answer is always – memories: memories of being a carer for two of my aunts …

Memories Make the Story #MondayBlogs #Memories #families #sisters #secrets
Selma Martin
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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. beth

    so very true, memories make the stories. they are felt from the heart

    1. Selma Martin

      and we all have memories. I love re living mine. Thanks for reading and commenting here too, dear Beth. I appreciate the readership and support. Let me know when I can do more for you. Bless you and I wish you miracles. xo

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