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Reblog: Beautiful Game

Selma says:

If You Don’t Know The Ha’Sonnets You’re Missing Out

Images and words, All rights reserved to copyright
© Stephen W. Buchanan of
@muttado1sb website
at “If You Haven’t Got A Sonnet

(A Ha’Sonnet Will Do) 😀

To learn what these are, and how to write them, please click to read:

But first, Here! I offer you a stellar glimpse into a collection of ha’sonnets,
Stephen created during the 2016 FIFA World Cup. Incidentally, I like soccer
(watching) and I remember watching this in 2016.

All rights reserved © Stephen W. Buchanan

Set For The StartThe teams come outThe anthems’ sungHandshakes aboutThe coin is flungThe TIFO mocksRef sets the clockPrayers said, fears …

Beautiful Game

My friends, if your interest needs one more collection to explode, I’ve got you
covered 😜

In May, Stephen is celebrating the Ha’Sonnets Anniversary. (Published this week)
I’m certain you will like this:

ENJOY, ENJOY with my blessing. Go, Stephen, Sir!

And to compliment matters more, Susi Bocks of I Write Her also published a
beautiful compilation of Stephen Buchanan’s poetry. Please take a look:

copyright © Susi Bocks

So there… so now you know, dear friends. It’s a celebration.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 5 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      Beautiful Game. Such loveliness methinks. Thanks dear Cindy. Xo

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Thanks to you. I love this storytelling. Blessings. 🤗

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