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Petals of Haiku: An Anthology

A beautiful collection of brief moments in time

Petals of Haiku: An Anthology—174 pages of pure joy. It features the work of over 160 talented poets.

My purchased copy of Petals of Haiku. Pure joy.

You will adore the evocative word choices and the acuity of each line in the required brevity of the haiku— a real testimony of ingenuity and sensitivity by the authors. And as you pause after each poem you will smile when you hear the music.

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There is plenty to read so you might want to go slow with this one to let the notes and the aura of each poem “show you” something you weren’t aware of prior to your reading. Aww, thus is the beauty of haiku.

I am ill equipped to choose one or even a few haiku to recommend. It’s the collaboration of enthusiastic haiku authors that makes this collection great. I’m just so happy this book is out in the world for all to enjoy and proud to highly recommend it to you.

This Petals of Haiku Anthology, published by Literary Revelations is a treasure. I highly recommend it.

And I’m so honored to be rubbing shoulders with other writers within the pages
of this book. Find me on page 120: joined at the spine with the talented Andrew
McDowell. How cool is this? Thanks so much.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 11 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading and commenting to this one, dear Diana. Yes, I love poetry.

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, Colleen, that many and everyone contributed generously. It’s a lovely collection to savor. xoxo

  1. Robbie Cheadle

    A wonderful review, Selma. I also loved this book 🌹❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s my pleasure to review this one too, Robbie. Happy you like it as well. xoxo

  2. Ingrid

    Congratulations Selma! 🎉

  3. Cindy Georgakas

    A wonderful review of Gabriela’s book sor sure, Selma and I couldn’t choose one either as each one is a symphony of delight! It’s lovely to be accompanying your beautiful poem in the book and the amazing authors…… a true testament of each of us being so unique and talented our own unique way. 💕

    1. Selma Martin

      A wonderful collection. Petals of Haiku. Impressive. 👏🏽

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