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Thanks. Persephone: Image by MythologyArt from Pixabay

Om: Wea’ve Written Weekly, Prompt #122 #quatern

I. The prompt poem: (of last week’s challenge)
‘Dispensing diamonds…’, a poem by Suzanne Brace

II. Suzanne’s prompt guidelines for this new week:

  • Theme: Transformation;
  • Form: Quatern


The Quatern is a 16-line form composed of four quatrains (four-line verses),
with eight syllables per line. It has a refrain that is in a different place in each
quatrain. The 1st line of stanza one (S1) is the 2nd line of S2, 3rd line of S3,
and 4th line of S4.

  • Four quatrains (four-line verses):
    • Syllabic: Eight syllables per line;
    • Rhyming: Rhyming is not required, but quaterns often follow a rhyme
    • Refrain: The refrain of a quatern repeats the 1st line of stanza one (S1)
      as the 2nd line of S2, the 3rd line of S3, and the 4th line of S4.

III. Submit: Click on ‘Mister Linky’ in the original website. BELOW.
(Open outside of the Reader).

look here to submit to Mr. Linky

Submissions are open for 5 days, until Monday, Sept. 2, 10:00 AM (GMT+2)

My poem for Suzanne Brace: Om

When I have fears that I may cease
of life progressing without me 
however lusterless I be
I turn to the sylph of the air 

they dispense mood gifts to my soul
when I have fears that I may cease
then I behold the night’s starred face
to reset my vital settings 

indeed, my mortal time will come 
I’ll leave what I regard as home
when I have fears that I may cease
recall I am elemental

unselfish sylph I will become 
and make my home among the stars, 
dispense mood gifts and narratives 
when I have fears that I may cease

Copyright ©️ selmamartin

What is a sylph in mythology?
A sylph was one of four elemental spirits theorized by the Swiss alchemist Paracelsus.

Paracelsus envisioned four elemental spirits: sylphs were air spirits, along with
undines/mermaids (water), gnomes (earth), and salamanders (fire).

What does a sylph look like?
Sylphs' visual description and depiction has evolved with time. Paracelsus originally

thought of sylphs as being human-ish in shape, but bigger and less defined in form.
The more modern depiction of a sylph is a beautiful, graceful female figure that varies
in size and form - some sylphs are shown as cloud forms, others as more humanoid, some
as tiny as insects, others regular human size or even larger.

Thanks. Image by MythologyArt from Pixabay
Thanks so much for reading.

Happy labor day celebrations to all.

I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. Sonia Dogra

    An intriguing poem and intriguing bit of information.

    1. Selma Martin

      Sonia, my lovely friend. You’ve been fine too long. Welcome back. Thanks so much for reading. Intriguing 👍🏽 happy you think so. 😚

  2. rajkkhoja

    Happy labour day. Best information in poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks Raj. Happy you enjoyed the information.

  3. lesleyscoble

    A lovely delicate poem, Selma. Thank you for the info too 🙏🩷

  4. brazannemuse

    I hadn’t heard of sylph’s but I like the idea of elemental spirits…. the thought of leaving this world is a fearful one (for me), no one can prove or disprove where we go after, the transformation we all must face, but what a lovely thought to receive and then to bestow mood gifts to lift the living ….. 💞Suzanne

    1. Selma Martin

      Receive and then bestow. Yes! That! Thanks for the lovely prompt. One never knows what will come out on these prompts. Enjoyed it tremendously. Blessings. 🤗 keep rocking it my friend.

        1. Selma Martin

          Hey Suzanne I just found your email in my email spam. Sorry about that. So I just added you manually. I don’t want you to feel pressured, my sweet, but now you’re in to receive those letters. Wonderful to have you Onboard. You are a gem… sent out Sept’s letter on the first… You just missed it. I will send to you directly LATER so you can browse for a month to your heart’s content. Go at your own pace. Bless you always. xoxo (you might also receive my complimentary shortish story auto-sent to all) That’s the way I have it set up… Open at your own pace… again, bless you always.

          1. brazannemuse

            Thank you so much Selma ….i do everything always at my own pace, which in general is quite slow … 😉 xx

  5. Ephemeral Encounters

    I like this poem Selma .
    The thought of becoming a sylph is wonderful.
    Thank you for sharing.🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      A sylph. Yes. Let’s all become it and bestow mood gifts. 😉 bless you Maggie.

  6. Sadje

    Such a profound poem Selma.

  7. writerravenclaw

    Lovely poem, and if we end up joining the stars, we can shine for others.

    1. Selma Martin

      There you go, Diana. Either way, a win-win. Love your idea. Bless you 🤗

  8. kittysverses

    This is incredible, Selma. Sylph is new to me and I like her. 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      Wonderful kitty, dearest. Thanks for liking the poem. Blessings.

  9. Pooja G

    Wow really enjoyed the poem. And just finished reading “In The Rainbow Of Shadows”- absolutely loved it. Finished it in a day because I couldn’t put it down. Can’t wait to read it.

      1. Selma Martin

        Yes, please 🙏 🙇🏽‍♀️
        Thanks beforehand. Xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Greatest compliment. Thanks, Pooja. 🤗 ✊ . I really want to read your thoughts on my debut poetry collection. Bless you for reading it. Again, thanks. Happy Tuesday.

      1. Pooja G

        Hope to share the review this week 🤗💕

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks Bella. So pleased you liked it. 🤗 🤗

  10. memadtwo

    Yes, I too am comforted by the thought that my elements will be recycled, and so eternal. (K)

  11. Anonymous

    Ha! Oh yes, why fear, when what awaits is both ephemeral and eternal?
    I like where this poem took me, even though it is just there, barely out of reach of my conscious thoughts, I know its seed will grow

  12. ben Alexander

    Selma – you are simply brilliant. This proves it.


    1. Selma Martin

      I’m one step ahead of you this time, David dear. I saw it. Thanks. Will whip something up for weekend
      Bless you my friend. Always.

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