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For use @Sadje, WDYS. Image Muhammed Hassam, Unsplash

Mirror-Mirror In Your Head: What Do You See

Poem crafted for Sadje at Keep It Alive Website:
What do you see # 136 – May 30, 2022
Thanks for having me.

Mirror-Mirror In Your Head

Oh yes, I feel the roaring yelps
You pour into pillows nightly
I hear the screeching afterthoughts
Of your old ruminating ways

You asked for space; grace I gave you
But insomnia and unrest
Agonize you at every turn
Resounding your barbaric yawps

It’s not your reflection that scares
But your attitude that jails you
Mind the shards or it will hurt more
Deep in the bowels of your soul

Retrain your mind. Shift it. Switch it.
It’s in your hands: change the ending
Then let things flow naturally
To support the life you fashion

Easy for me to say, you think
I’m just your old broken mirror–
For too long, privy to your thoughts
Forget about superstitions
Granted, you shattered the wrong glass.

© 2022 

(please note that the last stanza is an addendum to the poem. It only came to
me after a good night’s sleep and indeed it adds clarity about the narrator).

Image credit; Muhammed Hassan @ Unsplash
For the visually challenged reader, this image shows a woman whose face has
black streaks of mascara on her cheeks. She wears a sad expression and has
her hands placed on her head." ~ Sadje @Keepitalive 

Thanks for reading and I wish you all miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Excellent take Selma. I love these lines specially;

    It’s not your reflection that scares
    But your attitude that jails you
    Mind the shards or it will hurt more
    Deep in the bowels of your soul
    Thanks a lot for joining in

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey Sadje. Thanks.
      … and then I slept on it and got an epiphany in a dream: Who is the narrator? OMG– yes, I did dream about it.
      I added an addendum to the poem this morning. Please give it one more look-over. I think it’s clearer this way.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, dearest, Grace of the Sun.
      Um… after writing that I went to sleep, but my brain didn’t. So I listened and this morning added an addendum for clarity. Hope you like it even more. The words came in a dream. Imagine. xoxo

  2. Michele Lee

    Outstanding! I was instantly drawn in. Solid ending! 👏🏻

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, Michele. Thanks my sweet. Yes, last night after writing it I thought the ending was solid too. And then I slept; but my brain didn’t– it spoke to me in a dream– Who’s the narrator? it insisted… OMG– yes
      I added an addendum to the poem this morning. Please give it one more look-over. I think it’s clearer this way.

      1. Michele Lee

        It was solid and you made it stronger. Well done, Selma! Poems are interesting, aren’t they? Speaking to us in dreams and not letting us rest until they have said what they need to say, until the next one comes along. 😁

        1. Selma Martin

          Gosh, yes they are. They come from another realm to educate us.
          Glad I listened to this one. The poem was right to insist.
          Thanks so much for supporting my efforts this way. I bless you. Xoxo

          1. Michele Lee

            You are welcome, Selma. It was a treat for me. Reading your poem, two times, and chatting with you. 😊

            1. Selma Martin

              The pleasure is all mine. Please know that. Blessings. Xo

  3. Deeksha Bhardwaj

    “Retrain your mind. Shift it. Switch it.
    It’s in your hands: change the ending”
    Such a powerful and inspiring piece, Selma💕

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, Deeksha. Thanks for the visit. I’m pleased you came. FYI, added an addendum to the ending. I hope it’s clearer now. I appreciate your visit. Blessings. xoxo

      1. Deeksha Bhardwaj

        It adds elegance to your existing lovely piece, Selma! How refreshing your mind can do wonders for us😄❤

  4. Ingrid

    An interesting and thought-provoking poem, Selma!

  5. Nope, Not Pam

    That last verse works really well. Really ends the poem

  6. Nope, Not Pam

    I meant completes the poem 🙄

  7. Ellie Thompson

    A genuinely brilliant poem, Selma. And how true it all is. I can identify with it, too. I particularly like the third verse and the part that reads, ‘It’s not your reflection that scares, But your attitude that jails you,’ and the last verse, the lines that read, ‘I’m just your old broken mirror–
    For too long, privy to your thoughts.’ Our attitude is so important both towards others but also ourselves. I’m beginning to see that more these days. It can help make us see ourselves and others with more positivity and less of a feeling of being trapped in how we don’t want to be. The mirror to our soul can often reflect so much negativity, but we don’t have to accept life that way. I feel a lot more positive about my life and am very grateful for all I have, whereas once there was a time when I couldn’t see this. One is never too ‘old’ to learn. Thank you for sharing your poem. I agree with all your other readers when I say that I particularly liked the addendum. It’s a perfect and fitting end to a wonderful poem. Thank you for sharing it. With love and peace, dear Selma. X 💜💐❤

    1. Selma Martin

      One is never too old to learn what really matters.
      I find that one perk of being older is that the blinders come off, we let go of excess and clarity seeps in. So good to have this happen.
      But it can happen to anyone at any age.
      I’m so happy you liked the addendum. Yes. I think it helps the poem more. Showers 🧖🏽‍♀️of Blessings fall on you. Xoxo

  8. Sunra Rainz

    Wonderful response to the image, Selma. I love these lines:

    “Mind the shards or it will hurt more
    Deep in the bowels of your soul”

    “Retrain your mind. Shift it. Switch it.
    It’s in your hands: change the ending”


    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for saying, Usha. So glad it spoke to you. Xo

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