You are currently viewing Mermaid’s Sweet Sixteen: Encouragement
Feeling the sunlight on her face/skin for the first time. Best photo I could find: Openverse.

Mermaid’s Sweet Sixteen: Encouragement

A Repost of a poem written in 2021.
I hope it speaks to you whether or not you believe in merfolks.
Whether you’re 16 or 70-something.


Image by Zigmars Berzins from Pixabay

her neck wrapped in a shell filigree
glass that should reflect when she arrives
she shoots for the scatterings beyond
will it be like what she imagined
aren’t we all concerned about one goal:
to meet and feel the warmth of the light…
keep kicking sisters, travel higher
nothing can cloud the beacon inside
chest up–don’t flout that private lantern
you didn’t come this far to yield now

© 2024 selmamartin

Thanks so much for rereading everyone.

This one is in celebration of someone I love;
it’s her birthday today, August 27th.
Happy Birthday, Bestie Kathryn.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Sadje

    A beautiful poem, magical

  2. writerravenclaw

    A beautiful poem, and all those years wishing to be sixteen, are a distant memory.

    1. Selma Martin

      Sixteen, a distant memory indeed, but let’s not stop dreaming… we don’t know what we don’t know about what’s to come, what ceilings will be broken. Let’s keep dreaming. Thanks for reading and commenting, dear Diana. blessing you.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thank you, Maggie. let’s keep dreaming. Happy you enjoyed it.

  3. Kathryn LeRoy

    What a wonderful way to begin my Birthday! I loved that poem the first time I read it, now it has garnered another star. Thank you dear friend for your thoughtfulness, generosity, creativity, and above all, miracles. I’m off to watch the sunrise to the sound of tinkling chimes with a cup of tea, and a letter. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      May Manny many miracles bless you this year. Thanks for being here. Just thanks. I’m sure you had a splendid day, replete with everything you love. May the whole year be that way. Blessings. xo, ((Hugs))

  4. Discover and Explore


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