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Kimo, An Israeli Three-liner: Good Vs. Evil

W3 Prompt #120: Wea’ve Written Weekly posted on August 14, 2024 by
David of The Skeptic’s Kaddish. Congratulations to the PoW this week.

I. The prompt poem:

‘Looking at the Impact’, a prose-poetry piece by Murisopsis (Val)

II. Val’s prompt guidelines

  • Theme: The struggle of good versus evil;
    • either internally or externally;
    • either personally or within the universe;
    • either from experience or observation;
  • Form: Garland Kimo (see below for explanation)


The ‘Kimo’ is a short syllabic poetic form of three lines.
The syllable count per line is 10/7/6.

Also, the kimo is focused on a single frozen image (kind of like a snapshot).
So it’s uncommon to have any movement happening in kimo poems.

Garland Kimo?

The ‘Garland Kimo’ is a series of four ‘Kimo’ verses, in which the fourth Kimo verse
is composed of lines taken from the previous three Kimo verses,
using the 1st line from the 1st Kimo,
the 2nd line from the 2nd Kimo,
and the 3rd (last) line from the 3rd Kimo.

III. Submit: Click on ‘Mister Linky’ on The Skeptic’s Kaddish’s Website.

- Battle Royal, or Who
– Battle Royal, or Who – OPENVERSE

This is my second time writing a Kimo; my first with the Garland Kimo.
From revisiting that first post, I realize one more point,
Kimo is an Israeli version of the haiku. Unrhymed. No title.
But I gave it a title anyway.

A Garland Kimo: Two Kinds of People

everywhere you will find the world’s masses
sliced into good and evil
just two kinds of people

a congregation will consist of each
minds aligned with the same goals
where do we draw the line

the battle makes sense to the perceiver
binary angles needed
where cups runneth over

everywhere you will find the world’s masses
minds aligned with the same goals
where cups runneth over

Copyright © selma

Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

An Afterthought:
“People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil.
The real conflict is between truth and lies.”

Don Miguel Ruiz

“Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity.
Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak
against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power
of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

Don Miguel Ruiz

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 29 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m happy you enjoyed the form. I liked it too. Thanks Diana. Blessings

  1. Sadje

    A very well written poem my friend.

    1. Selma Martin

      Bless you for saying, Sadje. Thanks for being here. 🤗

      1. Sadje

        It’s a pleasure Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy you loved it, sweet lady. It’s my pleasure. 🤗

  2. murisopsis

    Ah! Selma this one is a joy to read and it prompts additional thought!! Churches are filled with flawed individuals – bit he good and the bad and all shades in between! Well done!!

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for the subtle push with this prompt, Val. Splendid prompt.
      All great victories for humanity need new perspectives to consider other options. Bless you. Bee well.

  3. Kritika

    A thought-provoking poem. A great response to the prompt.

  4. brazannemuse

    Ahh yes, those cups that runneth over – mixing together – Suzanne

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading and commenting, Suzanne. 🤗

  5. J M Negi

    Well expressed indeed… Thanks.

  6. murisopsis

    Hi Selma! I’ve selected you as the new Poet of the Week! I’ve let David know and now you too! Congratulations on a wonderful poem!!

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks dearly Val. You made my entire day bright and cool. 😎 XO

  7. ben Alexander

    This is fantastic, Selma. You knocked it out of the park.


  8. sgeoil

    It’s hard not to give a title. I did too. A wonderful Kimo Garland. You have brought out what is often missed, that really most of us have the same goals in mind no matter our perspective. And after reading the comments, I see you are POW. Congratulations!!!

  9. lesleyscoble

    Brilliantly written, Selma! Congrats on becoming the deserving POtW. 👏❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Thanks.
      Bless you Lesley.

      I love your post in IG. Wow.

      1. lesleyscoble

        Oh, thank you Selma! 🩷Thank you for being a collaborator! 🤗 I’ve never known about that before. It’s a while since I engaged in IG. I think I might enjoy it again. xxx

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