Keats on How I Feel about HAIKU FOR THE MIDNIGHT HOUR by Dawn Pisturino

John Keats (
1795 – 1821

Much have I traveled in the realms of gold
And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;
Round many western islands have I been
Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.
Oft of one wide expanse had I been told
That deep-browed Homer ruled as his demesne;
Yet never did I breathe its pure serene
Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:
Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken;
Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes
He stared at the Pacific—and all his men
Looked at each other with a wild surmise—
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.

Copyright John Keats--All Rights Reserved.

[[This poem is in the public domain]]

My book review on Amazon

Right on time for the changing season of both hemispheres.
Let yourself get subsumed.

HAIKU FOR THE MIDNIGHT HOUR by Dawn Pisturino is elegant and warm in tone.
It is a brave compilation of poems that challenges the traditional form of Japanese
poetic art, which is short meditations on natural and philosophical themes.

It’s a great “experimental challenge,” a lovely compilation comprising dark themes
on observations that embrace the other side of literature and life: monsters, ghosts,
natural fears, supernatural forces, fearful gods and goddesses, and whatever
constitutes the Otherworld.

HAIKU FOR THE MIDNIGHT HOUR is fast-moving. It’s current and right on time for
the changing season of both hemispheres when one wants to have an unputdownable
book close at hand.

I invite you to open the door/cover to this poetry collection and enter its imaginary

Here are some of my favorites:

“mausoleum flanked
by cypress trees and willows
bent by mournful winds”

“requiem mass fills
church with flowers and mourners
a sold-out event”

“fish-faced men smelling
like cod sire children with gills
unholy inbreeds”

“cockroaches old as
t-rex scoot across the floor
hiding in shadows”

It’s a fascinating collection and I’m sure all readers will find favorites in this book too.
I highly recommend this book for your reading pleasure or gift-giving for the upcoming

#1 on Amazon… #1 on Amazon… #1 on Amazon–This is a big deal, my friends.


This review is on right now; will show on eventually.
You can also find it on Goodreads, with all my blessings.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Stine Writing and Miniatures

    You know I don’t know if I should admit this openly or not but I have a very hard time reading poetry. I have a hard time finding the meaning. I don’t think I am explaining the trouble I have very well. I do enjoy reading poetry and try to relate.

      1. Stine Writing and Miniatures

        You know I think that lit chart article is more of what I need. I used to use that website with my HS students but not really about poetry. It does help to have a bit of a background into the poem to have a better understanding.

        1. Selma Martin

          Happy to be of any help. We’re here to help… bless you

  2. Michele Lee

    Wonderful treasures packed in this post! 👏🏻 Dawn’s book is on my list – your “favorites” are fabulous. Her collection seems a most fitting selection for the approaching season. Thank you for the review!

    1. Dawn Pisturino

      Thank you, Michele! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

    2. Selma Martin

      It’s my pleasure. Always. Bless you for reading this review. Xoxo

      1. Michele Lee

        My pleasure, too. You’re an angel human! 😇 xoxo

  3. beth

    sounds like a beautiful book

  4. Sadje

    Lovely post Selma

    1. Dawn Pisturino

      Yes, I feel very honored by Selma’s review. Thank you, Cindy!

  5. Dawn Pisturino

    Selma, I just read your review on I feel so honored by your kind and generous words! I plan to post this on Friday, September 13th. I always have a good day on Friday the 13th, so I’m not superstitious about that date. Thank you so much – and congratulations again on becoming a grandmother! I feel so excited for you!

    1. Selma Martin

      Friday 13th is a good day as any. Yay. At Amazon.COM already? Double yay. Wonderful. My pleasure—you know that.

      Thanks. I’m looking forward to November—a baby in the house. 👏🏽

  6. Dawn Pisturino

    I’ve got your review posted today on my blog! Thank you so much, Selma!

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