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Jarring The Mozzies On The Porch

Laid back on rockers on the porch
supper done, the dishes done,
it’s easy now that they are two
the dim-lit house stands silent
they brandish a long herb garni
to jar mozzies in one hand
branded cookie jars rest on their laps

Copyright © selma

Prompted by whimsygizmo in Quadrille #205 – A Jar Full of Poems where it’s time to
write those pocket-sized poems of just 44 words, not counting the title, and including
one word dVerse’s host provides.

“And today, I’d like you to jolt, jerk and jar your words into a poem.”

Thanks for reading.
I wish you a jar of miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 28 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading and commenting Maggie. 🤗

  1. ben Alexander

    I love this slice of life, Selma, but why put them in a jar? 🤔

    Much love,

    1. Selma Martin

      They keep for longer in jars.
      And having one at night is plenty: you only discover this once you arrive at a certain age. 😜
      Be well David. Enjoy your summer.

  2. Sadje

    Nicely done Selma ❤️

      1. Sadje

        You’re most welcome

  3. beth

    happy and upbeat and just have to co-exist with them

  4. Deepthy

    A wholesome and delightful write, Selma! Wishing you a jar of miracles too! ❤️✨

    1. Selma Martin

      A jar of miracles, it is for us all. Yay, because Autumn’s on its way… I just heard… hehe. Happy. Thanks for reading, Deepthy. ((hugs))

  5. Kym Gordon Moore

    I love this laidback jar of miracles Selma. 🤗💖😊 What a wonderful response to this prompt ladybug! 🥂

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, Kym. Thanks. A jar of miracles for you, dawling. Enjoy your summer: it’s almost over, you know. Aren’t you just so happy? I know I am. xoxo

      1. Kym Gordon Moore

        Selma sistah, I am basking in the essence of expectancy and joy! Hold on to that optimism and never let it go! Hugs and smooches! 🤗💋😊💖😘

  6. De Jackson

    Sounds peaceful, Selma. Minus the mosquitos, of course! I wouldn’t mind some quiet time on that porch.

    1. Selma Martin

      Minus the mosquitos, of course. I wouldn’t mind to wait for night to come on that porch. hehe. With a jar of my favorite cookies sittin on my lap… Ya know! Thanks for the lovely prompt De. Bless you.

  7. Michele Lee

    Charming poem! I love porches – sitting on them and writing about them. 💗 Cookies are yummy too. A jar of miracles to you, sweet Selma!

    1. Selma Martin

      A jar of miracles to you, dear Michele Lee. Get as much of summer as you can now. The countdown to Autumn has begun–believe it or not… “Nothing gold can stay…” Bless you, golden child.

      1. Michele Lee

        So very intuitive you are – describing my thoughts this morning. A significant line to cherish throughout the year. 💛🥰 Thank you and abundant blessings to you.

  8. Belladonna

    How comforting is this! Southern looking porches are the best

  9. Heidi-Marie

    It’s always a relief when the dishes and all chores are done!

    I would add relaxing with a glass of wine 🍷 though. 😊

  10. Robbie Cheadle

    A great poem, Selma. Aren’t Mozzies just the bane of life 😳

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