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Hurry Up, Slow Down: Listen To The Silence

Talk to me about silence, or
write something that should be spoken out loud
write something slow, hurry up
write it loud* if it should be whispered no more

we’ll need to suspend discomfort,
while we practice slowing down for a while—
like our need to fight everything that comes our way,
like the belief we need to explain everything

like the need to understand it all

let’s shut down that voice for a moment,
regress and ask for an audience with silence,
zoom out, and listen to the silence whispering
relinquish the need to talk back

with aplomb, serenity, and slowness–
let’s observe ourselves from above 
speak if it improves the silence
but hurry up, slow down.

     © selma

Slowing down is conducive to peace:
Peace expunges uneasiness, tension, and stress.
The recipe:

Slow down- this is how we find peace:
Peace expunges uneasiness, tension, and stress

-Slow Down.

Slow way down, conscientiously. And in your slow-down time, consciously invite
the divine into your moment.


Bring yourself to a point where you become serene. Pay attention to your
breathing—it will get you there.

Make it your purpose to relax your mind from anxiety and actively seek out your

surroundings with your senses: Feel the breeze, listen to the rustling of the
leaves, think about the moon up in the sky. Stay relaxed and contemplative.
Notice the stars, observe the clouds and the rainstorms and nature, become a

people watcher or an animal admirer. Feel the energy radiating from these.

–But do not stop there. Recycle the energy by extending it to people around you.

Let us all slow down.

© selma's recipe
Relaxing nature
Relaxing nature. Image: Openverse

This might sound contradictory after what you just read, but I dare to see it as
complementary to the above:

“Peace isn’t something that we ultimately receive when
we slow down the pace of our lives. Peace is what we’re
capable of being and bringing to every encounter and
event in the waking moments of our life.”
~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Interesting! Our busyness is not to blame for our imbalance: being peaceful isn’t
dependent on what our surroundings look like. It seldom has anything to do with
what the people around us think, say, or do, or how loud or noiselessly they say it.
Instead, being peaceful is an inner attitude we can all achieve anywhere we have
learned to silence our ongoing internal dialogue.

I hope you enjoyed this post I always preach to myself.
Thanks for reading.

Image by Veronica Colombo from Pixabay
write it LOUD*!!
Selma Martin
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This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Sadje

    A very interesting poem of paradoxes

      1. Sadje

        You’re welcome dear friend

  2. beth

    it can be deafening when not used to it

  3. sgeoil

    I really enjoyed this poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so no pleased to know, Heather. Thanks. Blessings. Stay in the shade.

  4. rajkkhoja

    Love the poem. Very nice words written in poem.

      1. rajkkhoja

        I doing,!

    1. Selma Martin

      Indeed. Too often we cram too much into that space. Let’s be silent in the silence

  5. Dawn Pisturino

    Absolutely peace comes from within! Non-attachment to the material world brings peace.

  6. Kym Gordon Moore

    YES Selma, shut down and listen to that inner voice, to give you inner peace! Beautiful composition girlfriend. 🥰🙏🏼😘

    1. Selma Martin

      You got it Amiga. That’s it. Happy you read. Be well. Enjoy a great summer.

      1. Kym Gordon Moore

        Thanks so much Selma and make this summer FANtabulous my friend! Cheers! 😎💖🌞🌺🥰

  7. Michele Lee

    Yes, indeed. 🧘🏻‍♀️ Wrapping myself in the message of your poem, thank you Selma. Thanks for the Dr. Dyer quote, too. Miss him. 🦋

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh my pleasure. Absolutely. Let’s listen to the silence.

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