You are currently viewing Hāfez, A Ghazal—Poetry Foundation: For Years My Heart Inquired Of Me
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Hāfez, A Ghazal—Poetry Foundation: For Years My Heart Inquired Of Me

“For years my heart inquired of me‚”


For years my heart inquired of me

                   Where Jamshid’s sacred cup might be,

And what was in its own possession

                   It asked from strangers, constantly;

Begging the pearl that’s slipped its shell

                   From lost souls wandering by the sea.

Last night I took my troubles to

                   The Magian sage whose keen eyes see

A hundred answers in the wine

                   Whose cup he, laughing, showed to me.

I questioned him, “When was this cup

                   That shows the world’s reality

Handed to you?” He said, “The day

                   Heaven’s vault of lapis lazuli

Was raised, and marvelous things took place

                   By Intellect’s divine decree,

And Moses’ miracles were made

                   And Sameri’s apostasy.”

He added then, “That friend they hanged   

                   High on the looming gallows tree—

His sin was that he spoke of things

                   Which should be pondered secretly,

The page of truth his heart enclosed

                   Was annotated publicly.

But if the Holy Ghost once more

                   Should lend his aid to us we’d see

Others perform what Jesus did—

                   Since in his heartsick anguish he

Was unaware that God was there

                   And called His name out ceaselessly.”

I asked him next, “And beauties’ curls

                   That tumble down so sinuously,

What is their meaning? Whence do they come?”

                   “Hafez,” the sage replied to me,

“It’s your distracted, lovelorn heart

                   That asks these questions constantly.”

copyright ©️ Hāfez


Please read the translator’s notes

Read the translator’s notes on this poem. 

Source: Poetry (April 2008)

This poem recommends one look inward for the truth (the pearl one has lost);
the poem is typical of Hafez’s polyphonic/polysemous poetic strategies.

I like it. I hope you like it too.

Persian lyric poet Hafiz (born Khwāja Šamsu d-Dīn Muḥammad Hāfez-e Šīrāzī) grew up
in Shiraz. Very little is known about his life…

Hafiz’s tomb is in Musalla Gardens in Shiraz.

I wrote a ghazal once…for a prompt on Medium… and then recorded an audio for
my WP audience. Check it out if you like. My first ghazal.

Decorative divider, drawing illustration
Image: Openverse

Thanks for visiting.
Featured Image Attributes: diego_torres / 928 images

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. Sadje

    A beautiful share Selma

    1. Selma Martin

      I thought so too. It really squeezed my heart. Thanks for reading, Sadje.

      1. Sadje

        My pleasure. Someone gifted us the poetry of Hafez in Persian. I have it in my book shelf but can’t understand Persian.

        1. Selma Martin

          It’s so beautiful. I don’t understand Persian… 😉
          So I’m glad when it’s written I. A language I do.
          Bless you my friend. Good night.

  2. 🇪🇺 Bee H.

    Such lovely & thoughtful poems. And it was beautiful to hear your voice in the recording.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Bee. I appreciate you reading and listening Xoxo

  3. rajkkhoja

    Inspiring words use in poem. I heard again your audio and clip recalling remember, I remember. I like.

      1. rajkkhoja

        Thanks, Selma!

  4. beth

    what an amazing and inspirational poem. yes, it’s all inside us if we look there

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy for this comment. So happy.
      Happy Friday, dear Cindy.
      🍈 🍉 🤗

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        awww yes, Happy Fun Fri-Yayyy to you too Selma.. I’ll miss you for a bit💓

    1. Selma Martin

      Isn’t it? I thought so too. Happy to know you liked it my sweet Maggie. Blessings.

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so glad you liked it to Cara Mia. Bless you. 🍉

    2. Selma Martin

      So… I saw this on Instagram and thought of you. Talking to your plants and all. I do the exact same thing. And have other symptoms of GDD. What is GDD, you want to know, right? I just found out.
      If you don’t have IG ask someone who does to open this and show you.
      I think we both have GDD.

      Or am I the only one here who suffers so.


      Bless you. Good night. 😴

  5. Destiny

    a beautiful share, Selma….thank you 🤍

    1. Selma Martin

      So very pleased you liked it Destiny dear. Be well. Blessings

      1. Destiny

        my pleasure…and blessings your way too🤍🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      Wow. Yes. We are better for this. Great masters. 👏🏽 🤗

  6. Robbie Cheadle

    Hi Selma, thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s my pleasure. So glad you appreciate it, Robbie. Xo

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