Gogyōka: Black and Red Pearls–What Confidence

“Meanwhile, let us have a sip of tea.
The afternoon glow is brightening the bamboos,
the fountains are bubbling with delight,
the soughing of the pines is heard in our kettle.
Let us dream of evanescence, and linger in
the beautiful foolishness of things.”

– Okakura Kakuzo

While spreading trees and bushes
don their reds, yellows, and purples
I salute the confidence
of the viburnum bush
–her stark black and red pearls.

Copyright © selmamartin
Form: Gogyōka (五行歌) 

Viburnum opulus, commonly called European cranberry bush,
is a highbush cranberry native to Europe, Asia, and N. Africa.

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Beautifully vivid poem Selma 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

    1. Selma Martin

      Delighted you found it so, dear Sadje. Please be well. Sending blessings

      1. Sadje

        Thank you so much 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, dear Cheryl. So happy to see your message. Thanks. I pray all’s well with you. Stay in the shade. It’s still to hot. But we’re closer now. 😁 Fall. Sending blessings.

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy you enjoyed Diana dearest. Bless you always.

  2. sgeoil

    A beautiful scene you have painted with your words.

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so pleased you saw through the words dear Heather. Bless you as we go into ‘the real’ Fall 😉

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, so pleased you read Colleen. Blessings. Always.

  3. rajkkhoja

    Very emotional words written in poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m happy you enjoyed my friend. Bless you.

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