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GloPoWriMo 2023, Day Seven: The Hat That Set Her Free

I once read a cute poem about an ordinary hat, but for the life of me, cannot recall
where. It went something like this:

"My hat 
warms my brain
you can find me under it; 
the sky above. I love my hat."

(shape of a hat)
If this poem rings a bell, please let me know so I can add proper credits. xo

From that recall, I got this far trying to create my own:

Of my hat--
I like the hat's shadow
 I can see through eyelashes
it placates my tresses ablow,
keeps thinks from crashes,
buffers my meltdowns, 
and promptly cools my hotflashes-- my hat! 

© selma

Add a feather to it, and you have an elegant little hat. I know you see it.

elegant guests of wedding ceremony sitting on chairs on green meadow
Photo by Oliver Li on
GloPoWriMo2023 Button

Now for the real deal, a sonnet
writ last year and edited for today’s prompt.
I hope you enjoy it.

A grumpy lady friend who loved to whine
In whose house I never liked to linger
Loved hats for her strong hat-perfect jawline
But was cursed with crooked butterfingers

She wore a neon orange hat gladly
With a ginormous lampshade projection
But the hat tipped her over, poor lady
And that kept her close to my affection

One season she spent months convalescing
And all those months without her fancy hat
She pined for the hat with great sun guarding
But the hat had fattened the village rat

 In weeks she grew to let go, let it be
 Laud that jaw-perfect thief that robbed her free.

Woman dressed in black cape and hat, red turtleneck
Chicago, mid-1980s– Selma in black cape and hat.

Thanks so much for reading, and happy national poetry writing month.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Ellie Thompson

    I love your version of ‘My Hat’, Selma. Also, your sonnet is delightful. I’m sorry I’ve missed some of your recent posts – I have had my grandchildren staying with me recently, which has made it impossible to keep up with everybody’s work. I’m very glad to have read yours here, though. I wish you a happy and peaceful Easter. Xx 💕

  2. rajkkhoja

    Beautiful hat picture. Very nice poem post .

  3. Manja Maksimovič

    I have read everything with amusement, rejoiced at the splash of orange and marvelled at Selma and her hat. <3

  4. sgeoil

    These poems are fun. I especially liked “Of My Hat”

  5. paeansunplugged

    Your ‘Of my hat’ is such a delight and I enjoyed your sonnet, Selma!

  6. Dawn D. McKenzie

    FINALLY I am here 🙂 And boy don’t I regret it!
    Beautiful poems, both of them. I loved the humour in the sonnet, and particularly loved the shape poem!

  7. Bill

    I think you nailed it, Selma. Hats are important.

  8. Smitha V

    Such a fun poem, Selma. Enjoyed it! 🙂

  9. JoAnna

    You have strengthened my interest in wearing bigger, wider hats instead of just a baseball cap. My aging skin thanks you for this.

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