First A Deibide Baise Fri Toin, Then A Book Review

Wish I could 
have your readership ensured
through the zest of the review 

Never once
have I found a phrase that’s dunce 
from the pen of this wise bard

Not a day
have I been led the wrong way 
by this author’s able hand 

So in short,
never waver my support 
steadfast always be my praise. 

Copyright ©️ selmamartin
FOR Michele Lee Sefton:
First A Deibide Baise Fri Toin, Then A Book Review

My Amazon Review:

Honeysuckle Heat: captivating prose, engrossing story. Stellar.

Honeysuckle Heat, A novella by Michele Lee Sefton published in the summer of
2024 is perfect for the season of entitlements we seem to be stuck in as a society.

I’ve purchased and read a few novellas and chapbooks by this Author and admire her
style. In Honeysuckle Heat, the storytelling is not forced nor rushed and flows at an
easy pace that mesmerized me—mainly the descriptive prose—for which this Author

From Chapter One onwards, get ready to melt with the loveliness of the words. In
whatever mood you find yourself in the beauty within the pages will right you.

The story is engrossing. Who doesn’t love a steadfast young lady set on climbing the
ladder of success? At all costs and means. But as tends to happen, such fierceness,
tunnel vision, sometimes blinds one to important human kindnesses, rendering one
incompatible in areas that require reciprocation. Selfish. Which is what happened to
the young, attractive, and able lady in this story.

Honeysuckle Heat: captivating prose.

In Honeysuckle Heat, we are served a good helping of what romance looks like in
this modern age. I followed the timeline closely and gasped at the details that pages
into the book peeled the layers to hints that gave me something like pause, but more
than that, they made me feel conflicted. Mostly because I know that love is a two-way
street. I felt cheated when I found the goings-on one-sided. Yet I gave the story all the
respect it deserved. And I found genius as I kept turning the pages to arrive at a
satisfactory conclusion. 

I truly enjoyed this novella that twisted in the right direction and I’m sure readers will
be equally satisfied. I highly recommend this novella.


FYI: website

Yay! Give it a few days to show on too.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Miriam Hurdle

    Excellent review, Selma! Thank you for introducing me to Michele.

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh my, it’s my absolute pleasure. You will love this author. Please check her out, Miriam. Thanks for spending time reading this one today. I bless you. Xoxo

  2. Michele Lee

    Thank you very much, Selma! Your reviews reveal an intimate understanding of my characters, and you always offer unique perspectives that help me to see my stories in a new light. I love that and I love learning about other books and writers from you. Your contributions to my writing journey and the writing community, through support and the sharing of your own stellar work, are greatly appreciated. 🙏🏻📚

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. It’s my absolute pleasure. Im a strong proponent for good literature. I want to contaminate the world that way. I will support this cause. Your prose is stellar m’lady. All the best. I’m glad I purchased the print version. Have read three times already. But there are so many books and babies and grandmas are born every day. Life is happening.
      … my pleasure. Always.

      1. Michele Lee

        Life is happening and you sure know how to celebrate and honor it in a most joyful and authentic way. 🙏🏻🥰

  3. Sadje

    Lovely poem and review Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks from the bottom of my heart dear Sadje. Stay sweet. So happy you liked this post. XoXo

      1. Sadje

        You’re most welcome Selma

  4. rajkkhoja

    Nice books reviews. God bless you, Selma 😄🙏!

  5. beth

    Absolutely intriguing

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. So happy you’re intrigued. Thanks for reading dear Beth.

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, m’friend. M’lady. So happy you appreciated the post. Thank you dearly. Bless you.

    1. Selma Martin

      The cover is amazing. And so are the words! Wowed.

  6. Dawn Pisturino

    Michele is a lovely writer. Thanks for doing this review!

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s my pleasure, Dawn dear.
      FYI, yours is right behind. Equally gorgeous. So many good books.
      Want to support all my writer friends.
      Wait for it. XoXo thanks for reading today

  7. Kym Gordon Moore

    Well, look at you Selma dahling! 💖 What a lovely and kind review you’ve written for Michele’s book. I know she will be delighted! 😊🙏🏼😍

    1. Selma Martin

      Look at me. Yeah 👍🏽
      A beautiful book. Thanks Kym

      1. Kym Gordon Moore

        Oh sistah, you are soooooo very welcome and thank you too!!! 😊💖😍

  8. Robbie Cheadle

    Hi Selma, a lovely poem. Thank you for the book review, it sounds extraordinary. A story I would enjoy, for sure.

    1. Selma Martin

      For sure. Yes. For everyone. A good book. Thanks Robbie.

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