Encouragement: You Are A Life Sailor Giving Birth To Travails

Sundae, Soondae, or Sunday…

  • A gallery of shots with a single poem

I’m considering starting a Sunday series I’ll call Sundae, Soondae, or Serene Sunday to
share encouragement for the upcoming week. I hope it brings you a glimmer of light
as we sail into the second half of the year.

Well, that is my sincere hope. Hope you drop in for a visit. Thanks beforehand. xoxo

TY A Wish and The book.
Click image for Amazon link

And for those of you new to the blog, I’ll take this opportunity to share
‘about my debut poetry collection’ on Sundays:
sundae, soondae, or serene Sunday.

I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 32 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Robbie. Interesting is good 😊 👏🏽 💕

  1. Maria Michaela

    I love this Selma. Gives me encouragement for the coming week

  2. rajkkhoja

    Very nice & interesting your post. So good encouragement of week.

    1. Selma Martin

      All for you, dear Raj. Sending encouragement. ✨

      1. rajkkhoja

        Thanks,Selma. I am happy too

  3. Jennifer Pentland

    Beautiful words to wake up to on a Sunday morning! Thank you, Selma. 🙏😊

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy Sunday, Jennifer. And a fantastic new week.

  4. Destiny

    wonderful thoughts… inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for sharing, dear Selma🤍🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. It’s my pleasure— know that. Happy Sunday. XoXo

  5. byngnigel

    Good idea… And lovely encouragement as well. 💙👏

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy to hear it was well received. xoxo Stay in the shade…

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy Sunday and new week to you, dear Cheryl. All the best in everything. xoxo

  6. beth

    love the series idea!

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, Beth, so happy you like this idea. I’ve tried series before. The last one being Espressos where I shared very short posts that one would read in the span of drinking an espresso. Let’s see how I’ll manage with this one. I hope you come to read some time. Bless you. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      I feel the same way too. Especially when the heat saps so much from us. (I feel like a raisin, I tell you) Thanks for being here, lovely one. I bless you. Watch your mailbox… anyminute now…

    1. Selma Martin

      So much going on in our lifetime. We need hope We need calm. Be well, dear Barbara. Blessings.

    1. Selma Martin

      Diana, let’s do serene. For our wellbeing. Happy you like the sound of this. xoxo

  7. that bird

    Like the second one the most. Beautiful quotes. Have a wonderful Week!

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, that bird… I was hoping this would be read as ONE poem… selected the different images for variety.
      But yes, the second part is deep and I’m so very pleased you liked it. I bless you. Stay in the shade…

      1. that bird

        Oh, this poem is uplifting and serene. I like the patience attached to it. Have a beautiful day!
        Thank you for the blessings, Selma 🙂

  8. Belladonna

    Refreshing quotes Selma! Thank you for sharing.

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