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Butterfly Cinquain: Syllabic Poetry Challenge No. 39

This year
nostalgia hits:
the mango produce aisle
fruit that transports little Selma
to the trees she would climb barefoot
now the pricey fruit rots
before her eyes
not fair
last year's plum wine
the grand strawberry moon
twice attuned to my emotions
gifts me a halo I can reach
thanks to the faerie
in the wine glass

© selma
Kigo: nostalgia, mango, plum wine, faerie

This post is written for Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 39.

How does this time of year affect you where you live? Think about the seasonal changes.
What descriptive words come to mind?

Yes, summer’s full glory is here! And so is childhood nostalgia. Still, what a fun time for
faeries (used this spelling for the syllabic count) and dreaming.

The Butterfly Cinquain is an unrhymed, nine-line syllabic poem with
2-4-6-8-2-8-6-4-2 syllables per line.

Kigo: Mango, nostalgia, plum wine, faerie

In mango countries, this is the season for mangoes. A mango is bound to taste
the best in season. They’re in abundance here too: My favorite is the Mexico mango.
(though I’d love to sink my teeth into any mango from India- we don’t get those here).
But this year Mexican mangoes are too expensive: the result of a weak yen.
I’m pining for mangoes this summer.

Decorative divider, drawing illustration

Thanks so much for reading.
Happy summer solstice.
Happy moon gazing too.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Lovely Summer season. (though I’d love to sink my teeth into any mango from India- we don’t get those here).
    But this year Mexican mangoes are too expensive: the result of a weak yen.
    I’m pining for mangoes this summer. Beautiful words written in poem.
    Here is Mangoes season. Here lots of Mangoes. Indian Mangoes are very Sweet. Indian Mangoes are not expensive. Nice write a kigo.

    1. Selma Martin

      Raj, is that you!? Anonymous…

      I’ve heard wonderful things about mangoes in India. Wow. I’d love to eat one some day. Enjoy one 🥭 for me please.

  2. beth

    this feels happy and light, just how a good glass of wine makes us feel

  3. VJ

    Love the idea of faeries in the wine.

    1. Selma Martin

      There are faeries 🧚🏽 in the wine 🍷 yes. Glad you liked that VJ. 🤗

  4. D.L. Finn, Author

    Love this, Selma:) xo

  5. memadtwo

    The fairy in the wine glass–love that! (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      It fell on good ears—that image. 🧚🏽 so happy. 😁

  6. Michele Lee

    Selma! You’ve evoked many emotions with this gorgeous poem, thank you. “Not fair” – no, a bitter sweetness isn’t it.

  7. kittysverses

    Oh! How I wish I could transport mangoes to you, Selma. 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      I wish that too. During NaPo this year someone wrote about the many mangoes in India. I’ve been longing for one ever since.
      Thanks for the lovely thought Kitty. Bless you.

  8. Colleen Chesebro

    Selma, this butterfly cinquain is fabulous! I love the fairies in the wine (they’re there in the sparkles). I’m with you about the luscious fruit in the supermarket. There is so much waste, but there is no way they drop the prices! I really enjoyed your poetry. 🧚‍♀️

  9. Robbie Cheadle

    Hi Selma, it’s a shame the mangoes are so expensive. Lovely poems.

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