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Biolet: Horses

When horses run, they leap, touch down, just to repeat

Like our lives moving, leaping between highs and lows

To aim to delay touch downs is life’s true sorrow 

Best to lift others on downs and prompt to complete 

Like our lives moving, leaping between highs and lows

When horses run, they leap, touch down, just to repeat

Copyright ©️ selma 2024

Good morning everyone. Here I am trying to beat the clock on this happy Friday morning. This post is for Dora, prompt host at dVerse.

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. dorahak

    A lovely, wise, flowing-with-the-rhythm-of-running-horses and life itself, briolet, Selma. I love how it functions as a whole, a circle circumscribing a golden truth, “Best to lift others on downs and prompt to complete.” And around this nugget, the words cluster like light in the darkness, in spite of the downs “to leap” forward. What a blessing to read last thing this evening! Thank you.

    1. rajkkhoja

      Beautiful every line. Amazing horse running rythem. Indeed sounded!

      1. Selma Martin

        Thanks for getting that rhythm Raj. Happy 😊 you read. Xo

        1. rajkkhoja

          Me too, Selma

    2. Selma Martin

      Your third eye, stellar. Thanks. When seen through your eyes makes me look as if I had it all figured out. (Which I don’t. I merely line words up. Remember the squirrel post? Haha, that’s still me). Thanks for the lovely prompt. Thanks for the encouragement most of all. Blessings on your weekend, Dora. XO

  2. beth

    always moving ahead

    1. Selma Martin

      That’s it. Always moving ahead. And when we can lift others up to keep moving. Xo, Beth

      1. paeansunplugged

        What an evocative write, Selma! Enjoyed leaping and running with the horses.

        1. Selma Martin

          So pleased b you enjoyed it dear friend. Thanks for being here. Blessing you

    1. Selma Martin

      A beautiful comment that will take me a long way. I’ll keep running. Thanks so dearly my friend. You’re beautiful.

  3. Sadje

    Beautifully written Selma.

      1. Sadje

        My pleasure dear friend

  4. Cindy Georgakas

    Oh I love this poem and your beautiful lines, Selma. Tht’s exactly what then do as do well💕

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m delighted you read and liked it dear Cindy. I remember your story about the unicorn 🦄 that came to visit you. Wow…
      Stay cool on this Friday yay yay day. 👏🏽 🪇 still shaking them

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        It was majestic and I loved the unicorn story too. Thanks for remembering! 🩷🙏happy Friday-Yayyy, Selma!! 🩷

    1. Selma Martin

      Maggie, I’m so happy you found it uplifting. I aim to have you levitating with joy and hope 🥹
      Blessings you have a gorgeous weekend. Xoxo

      1. Ephemeral Encounters

        Awww indeed I am sure I can do that, or try x
        Thank you Selma 🙏
        I wish you the same xo

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