You are currently viewing Balanced —The Saturday Six Word Story Prompt
6WSP Image courtesy: Sushant Suresh © 2024 Shweta Suresh. All rights reserved.

Balanced —The Saturday Six Word Story Prompt

Shweta is our host for the
Saturday Six Word Story Prompt #123
This week’s prompt word at 6WSP is “balance”.

Here is my 6-word story:

Universe is balance and order incarnate. 

Extra: Find your balance inside the balance.

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Thanks so much for reading dear friends.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Very good take Selma

      1. Sadje

        You are most welcome

  2. trE

    I truly love this one matched with the image you shared at the end:

    “Find your balance inside the balance.”

    Yes! Very nice, Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww so pleased you see the wisdom in there trE. Bless your lovely heart and inner eye. Stay well.

  3. rajkkhoja

    Very interesting you sharing your balance inside the balence of Love . So beautiful you recommended lady pic by doing balance Selma 😉.

  4. Cindy Georgakas

    love it, Selma and your book. It’s a dreary day and I’ve been down for the count and picked it up FINALLY, I know and it called me. I’m finding more than one poem in your wonderful collection! Now I get to see what all of the hype is about! 👏💗

    1. Selma Martin

      Music to my ears and soul dear Cindy. So beautiful ✨ There’s something beautiful that emerged from your being down for the count 🙃
      Keep reading until your poem finds you my dear. Bless you. I really hope you enjoy what you read.
      Read the notes at front too please. It’s my soul. And please be well. It’s lonely without your aura. Xoxo

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        Never give up, right. YES, indeed you are so right. I’ve been reading and sitting for a change. That is as beautiful as your book. I am for sure, my friend. I love your notes of your soul!!!! Thank you so very much, for your kindness always! 💓

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