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At Last

At last
the silence
swallows me
weightless, I sink

into the assurance
of all that is
and the sun
pushes through

the silence,
calibrates me.
I feel like a clear lake
reflecting the whole sky—

at last, I find the sacred
at last, I give myself over to joy
© selma

old house reflecting in lake behind mountain at sunset
Photo by Gianluca Grisenti on

Thanks for reading, dear friends.
I hope you too feel like a clear lake
reflecting the whole sky.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    Wonderful clear Lake reflected the hole sky picture. Excellent capture the pic. Nice written words in.

    1. Selma Martin

      Blessed by your appreciation of this post. Thank you.

  2. Dawn Minott

    Joy is a blessed place to be. One of the explainers for joy I learned as a child was:
    O=nothing (like zero)

    Joy is when there is nothing between you and Jesus

    1. Selma Martin

      Nothing between you and the divine. Jesus. Yes, indeed. Lovely, Dawn 👏🏽

  3. Robbie Cheadle

    Hi Selma, a most beautiful poem and image 💗

    1. Selma Martin

      I was happy to find that image. So happy the post spoke to you. Thanks Robbie.

  4. VJ

    Beautiful. I could feel myself sigh.

  5. s.s.

    I find this line’s playing on my mind.. “the silence, it calibrates me”. Nicely done

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. So pleased you could feel this. You are that lake. 🤗

      1. s.s.


  6. beth

    what a wonderful way to feel – well said

  7. DAP

    So beautiful! ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m thrilled you feel so, dear friend. You are that lake too 🤗

  8. Michele Lee

    Feeling this, Selma, and delighting in every line. Thank you. 🩷

  9. Destiny

    soothing to feel, Selma….thank you for this 🤍🙏

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