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And The Magpies: d’Verse In Conversation with Sarah Connor

…and the magpies

and the magpies
their jacund little hearts
let’s all be magpies

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Screenshot by Selma as seen on Amazon

This post is written for dVerse Tuesday Poetics hosted by Kim.

…and the magpies

morning star
you and magpies
trees: an apple tree.
From the rainbow spring
dragonflies return
and the magpies speak
in the morning calm.
The trees and forests
a li'l whirlwind
plays catch with me.
Soon, I feel the summer
in the sun's
mirror in the
night sky.
The mischief

© selma

Thanks for reading. Holding Sarah and her family close.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 44 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja


      1. rajkkhoja

        Welcome my dear friend!

  2. Suzette Benjamin

    I love how you add such magic to the sun’s movements from day to night, Selma. Brava!

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy you noticed the subtle movement my friend. Your attention to detail warms my heart. Thanks. Brava!

      1. paeansunplugged

        Beautiful! The movement from day to night and the magpies! Sigh…lovely!❤️

  3. sanaarizvi

    Lovely! I can almost picture this; “The trees and forests stand shining—a li’l whirlwind plays catch with me..” 🩷🩷

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so dearly, Sanaa. Happy you enjoyed that. Xo

  4. Melissa Lemay

    “Soon, I feel the summer
    in the sun’s
    mirror in the
    night sky.
    The mischief

    Love these.🌜🌛

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, thanks dear one. Happy to know that section pleased you. 🤗

  5. beth

    ah, lovely. the mischief is only resting so it has energy to play the next day

    1. Selma Martin

      Right you are, dear Beth. And I’m sure you know the collective nouns: for a group of magpies are a conventicle, gulp, mischief, tidings or tribe of magpies. I liked mischief 🤣
      Bless you dear one.

      1. beth

        ah, I didn’t know that, but that is my favorite

  6. kim881

    As you may remember, Selma, I adore magpies, and we have two that visit our garden regularly, although the jackdaws have been doing their best to scare them off! Sarah is also a magpie fan, so your poem is special to both of us. I see you’ve included the apple tree too.

    1. Selma Martin

      Found this in a looooong slew of spam comments. Forgive Kim. I appreciate the response.
      Magpies, lovely bird people, you two. 🤗 🤗 happy to have gifted you something you love: words are all I got.
      Incidentally, today I received Sarah’s book. This is so special to me. Wow . . . I did it to contribute to a good cause.
      Always! Again, blessings. Stay cool and in the shade. Xoxo 🍉 🍈

      1. kim881

        Thank you, Selma, and I’m so glad you have a copy of Sarah’s book. No heat here, I;m sad to say, just grey skies and rain. Hope you are keeping well. xxx

  7. Anonymous

    We and the magpies live with the cycle of the greater light (sun) and it’s mirrored light (moon). Your poetry shines brightly too! Mischief befits magpies 🙂

      1. Selma Martin

        So grateful to you for reading and commenting dear Lynn.
        And thanks for clarifying about that Anony Mouse that pops up occasionally. Wish I could tell everyone one pops in.
        And I wonder, if I respond to Anony Mouse does she receive the response… I often don’t reply. I will need to try and see if I get a follow up response. Bless you. We well.

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy you think so Sadje. Sending happy vibes your way. Hope you’ve received the help you need… blessings.

      1. Sadje

        You’re welcome! Yes I have gotten a lady to help in the kitchen. I hope it works out

  8. Robbie Cheadle

    This is wonderful.

  9. lesleyscoble

    Utterly breathtaking — “and the magpies speak
    in the morning calm.” 💙💙💙 Your poem moves me so much 🙏

  10. Laura Bloomsbury

    so much of Sarah’s spirit in this poem Selma and the way you shaped it too

    1. Selma Martin

      Laura. Thanks. It pleases me so much that you think so. 🙇🏽‍♀️

  11. Michele Lee

    Selma! Your poem felt like a heaping scoop of summer honey in my tea. Wonderful!

    1. Selma Martin

      A heaping spoon! Oh my… that says lots. Thanks honey lady. 🍯

  12. Grace

    I specially love this part: you and magpies
    trees: an apple tree. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so dearly Grace. Thanks for reading and commenting. A wonderful prompt. Blessings to all. 🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so much, Dawn dearest.

      Um, I think you just might love my W3 Cento on Love last week. Please check it out 🙇🏽‍♀️ if you have time. It contains YOUR beautiful words. 🙏 I borrowed them …

      1. Selma Martin

        What a beautiful comment Ms Avery. I like what you say. Thanks so much. Xoxo

    2. sarahsouthwest

      Ah, it’s always good to see someone being positive about magpies. I love the images tumbling through this. I sighed over this poem, like a cat might purr.

      1. Selma Martin

        Sarah, what a joy you are. Sigh away my lovely. Written for that purpose. You are loved.
        And your poetry book is a delight. Bless you from this side of the world. 🤗 🤗

  13. This is a poem you just want to wrap up in; enjoy your coffee, listen to the birds, enjoy the weave of this poem.

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