My new Amiga, Rebecca of the Fake Flamenco Website has a lovely February Poetry Challenge for whom I wrote this poem.
- Theme: Friendship
- Length: 50 words or less
- Tag: #ffpoemapop
- Form: Poet’s choice —I chose a Puente
- Due date: February 11 by noon Chicago time. Put your poem in the comments of Rebecca’s blog post or on your website with a link to said post (below). 💃🏼
There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.Leonard Cohen, Selected Poems, 1956-1968
Tags: hope, light
Life Happens
When we became best friends, I bloomed
but when you turned a new chapter
my patent emptied—snow buried me whole
~because life happens~
from friendship I learned the physics of grace:
we pass through each other like wind
stirring something to discover
that interstices hold us together.
© selma
(48 words)
Allow me to share my lovely friend’s new song:
To all friendships that sustain us through the many chapters and seasons of our lives.
Happy February, Friends. Xoxo 💋
((A take after Harlem by Langston Hughes))
What happens when a friendship withers?
Does your heart dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or gnaws at your mind long
that you never can
trust another?
Does the memory stink
like rotten meat
that the sight of you,
keeps others at bay?
Or do you pick yourself up and focus on new interests—
analyze and shift your perspective?
Or practice taking care of yourself?
What do you do when a friendship withers?
© selma
(75 words)
- Wordless Wednesday - January 15, 2025
- Utenzi: Conquer Rage, Valorous Heart - January 14, 2025
- Hello @selmawrites, helloselmawrites - January 14, 2025
Your poems are lovely, of friendship and loving yourself.
Thanks, Diana. Encouragement I need. Your words are a delight to read too.
As for friendships, sometimes things out of our control “happen”
So it’s important I take care of our hearts then. Be well, my sweet. Blessings. Xo, Selma
What do you do when a friendship withers?
Love poem of friendship. Nice words written in poem. Beautiful video.
All Friendships Have A Life Of Their Own!
Nice pic.
Thanks, Selma 😀
Raj I’m delighted you enjoyed all the details in this post. What a great encourager you are. And sweet. Blessings my friend. Xo, Selma.
Thank you so much my best friend. My best wishes for you.
Thanks! It’s actually…..!
Some friendships last a life time while others are fleeting but every friend teaches us something important
Loved both takes on friendship, Selma! Beautifully, and wisely spun to perfection. 💖
Like all of life, our relationships are constantly transforming. You’ve captured that well. (K)
A constant evolving and morphing. And teaching. Thanks, Kerfe. Xo