You are currently viewing Aglow Like The Summer Sun
WDYS #248: Image credit: Engin Akyurt @ Unsplash

Aglow Like The Summer Sun

hot midday hours
sunning under Sun-flowers
she mimics the sun

Copyright © selma


This haiku was inspired by William Blake’s poem

Ah Sun-flower! weary of time,
Who countest the steps of the Sun:
Seeking after that sweet golden clime
Where the travellers journey is done.

Where the Youth pined away with desire,
And the pale Virgin shrouded in snow:
Arise from their graves and aspire,
Where my Sun-flower wishes to go.

Ah! Sun-flower
My Source: Poetry Foundation

This post is written for Sadje’s WDYS prompt:


WDYS #248: Image credit: Engin Akyurt Unsplash

“For the visually challenged reader, this image shows the face of a woman, partly
covered by her hair. Her visible face is covered in a glittery substance, her eyes are
closed and there’s an enigmatic expression on her face.” ~ Sadje.

Sadje of the Keep it Alive Website awaits your responses.


Below is a gallery of the different places where these girls sunned.
Check out how different they are.

Under the pansies,
Under a dark and starry night sky,
Under the lantanas.
Under a rainbow.
The girl who sunned under Sun-flowers.

I think you can tell the sun is getting to me. I wish it’d rain.

woman s face under rain shower
Photo by Chandre D’Oliveira on

Thanks for reading. Bee Cool.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. beth

    the poetry of flowers!

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes. Of flowers. Thanks Beth.
      We need some rain… to cool things off some. 🙏

  2. Sadje

    A wonderful haiku Selma. Loved the pictures you’ve shared too. A novel idea my friend. Thanks for joining in.

    1. Selma Martin

      Sadje, I’m delighted to know you enjoyed the haiku and the pictures too. Somehow I felt the post needed more. Bless you, dear one. Stay sweet.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for appreciating this dearest Diana. Sunflowers are beautiful. xoxo

  3. D.L. Finn, Author

    Beautiful, Selma 🙂 Loved it! Xo

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, D.L. I’m so happy you loved it. Thanks. I wish you a jar of miracles… hAPPY sUMMering to you. Bee well. (Hugs)

  4. Indira

    Beautiful post, Selma. Thankfully rain has come but still hot, here.

    1. Selma Martin

      A little more heat then, but rest assured cool days will follow: I just got the happy news (smile) Something happy to look forward to. Blessings, Indira.

      1. Indira

        Thanks, Selma. Blessings to you, too.

  5. Beautiful writing, Selma, and I’m ready for a new season. This summer has been a hot one! Stay cool, and I hope you get your rain! 😎🌻🌻

    1. Selma Martin

      I hope we get our rain… What a hot summer indeed. Bless you my friend. Autumn’s right around the corner. Hold on to that thought. Stay cool.

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