You are currently viewing Adorned in Slumber Kisses
In Author's Album. Nov. 2021. Thanks, S.U.

Adorned in Slumber Kisses

they let themselves
let go and gently land
on the face of her who fed them—
energy drained — her turn to sleep
but not till her offspring
kiss their goodnights

Copyright ©️ selma

Form: A butterfly cinquain asks for syllables in the order of 2–4–6–8–2–8–6–4–2 and looks like a butterfly when centered on a page.

Poem first published in Medium.

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Thanks for reading.

Happy November.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Shweta

    Beautifully written, Selma

  2. beth

    just beautiful!

  3. rajkkhoja

    Really nature beauty. Wonderful Autumn spring. Lovely words written you, Selma 😄. her turn to sleep
    but not till her offspring
    kiss their goodnights
    grateful! 🥲

  4. judeitakali

    A very meaningful poem. Beautifully written.

  5. Ingrid

    Delightful, Selma! 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so much. Happy you read and commented kind Sir 😜

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