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Botanical leaves, nature. Image from Openverse. Thank you.

A Tableau After Sam Hamill

None own a mountain
Nor a parakeet
No one owns a lake
In this land or that
They belong to Earth
And us. Equally!

Seaside sparrows and
Dodos now extinct,
I have never seen.
But their residue
Is what I am now.
You too—equally.

We share air and sea
And the soils awhile
Before we become
The air, sea, and soils
Under the blue sky:
Grateful, equally.

Copyright © selmamartin
After Sam Hamill

Written for this week’s MTB dVerse prompt 
Posted by Laura Bloomsbury:
And today we are going to write ‘The Tableau’ created by Emily Romano in 2008:

Poetry Style:

  • 1 or more verses
  • 6 lines per verse
  • 5 beats/syllables per line

Poetry Rules:

  • title should contain the word ‘tableau’
  • poem should aim to be pictorial
  • no rhyme scheme

Hint: Its optional but you could let your tableau reference the poet Sam Hamill,
a poem of his, or his style of poetry.

Useful links:
The Tableau poetry style
‘Gratitude’ – poems by Sam Hamill – google taster

[N.B. Mr Linky closes Saturday 3 p.m. EST]

>> I watched a long video on YouTube and as I did, typed out portions of words
as he recited his long poem, Edible Earth, that I couldn’t find anywhere.
My poem has borrowed from his, with adjustments to fit the 5 beats per line. <<

Edible Earth by Sam Hamill
I have not seen the sudden flight of the lason crake, the dusky seaside sparrow
Or the passenger pigeon that was still here when I was born with a scream
I did not know the Carolina parakeet and yet what I am is what is left of them.
They are gone and what remains is what I am and will be. A mystery in the belly
of the Mother Earth, Gaia who we devour and contain. Whom we so thoughtlessly
consume at whose breast we feed
No one owns a mountain or a lake No one buys the air we breathe the sea and the
soils are only ours to share a little while before we become the sea the soil and the
air. If a single spot in this vast earth is holy then every spot and every clot of earth
or blade of grass is equally holy too. Equally holy the lamb and the hawk and the
wind and the wind and the blue of the sky. Equally holy the singer and the song,
the dreamer and the one who longs for a science of the soul, the prayer of gratitude
and farewell that is whispered by the leaves that fall. Equally holy your country and
mine, your song and mine. Your belief and my disbelief. Your child and mine. My
country and your country cannot be two things but are simply sides of one. An angle
of perception a turn of a mother tongue

Thank you for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. writerravenclaw

    We are part of a world, and need to look after it together.

    1. Selma Martin

      together–that’s the key word. Thanks, Diana. xo

  2. Sadje

    Beautiful thoughts Selma

      1. Sadje

        It’s my pleasure

    1. Selma Martin

      I appreciate your appreciation of the poem, dear Cindy. Blessings befall you this weekend.

  3. kittysverses

    Profound thoughts, Selma. And are the leaves on your photo colocasia’s ?

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy your read dear Kitty. About the leaves,not sure. But I checked on that name and the image looks similar to colocasias. I’ think it’s safe to think them as such. Do you know this plant? Native of India and Asia, google tells me. Bless you, my friend.

      1. kittysverses

        Yes , I know about the leaves , Selma. There are various dishes made using the leaf and root vegetable. 🙂

  4. ren

    oh, i really like what you did here– combining Hamill’s original words and making it into your own tableau! wonderful work!

    1. Selma Martin

      Ren, I’m delighted you enjoyed what I did. Bless you. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  5. memadtwo

    Beautiful thoughts Selma. No one owns the earth or any of its creatures. That is a truth we all should remember. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      I think so too. A reminder now and then should keep us in check. Thanks for reading and commenting. xo

  6. Robbie Cheadle

    A beautiful poem, Selma 💝

    1. Selma Martin

      The only way indeed. Thanks so much for finding this one to your liking. Bless you. 🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      True true. Björn, thanks for reading and dropping a comment. Blessing.

    1. Selma Martin

      Neither had I. Until this prompt came along. Thanks for reading, Dawn.

  7. pvcann

    I particularly like we are the residue of all that is, that sense of interdependence and connection in spite of the ravage of nature.

  8. Melissa Lemay

    “We share air and sea
    And the soils awhile
    Before we become
    The air, sea, and soils”

    1. Selma Martin

      Isn’t that just so beautiful? Methinksotoo!
      Thanks dear friend. 🤗

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