You are currently viewing A Haiku and A Deibide Baise Fri Toin for The Last Challenge Of 24 Seasons  Syllabic Poetry, Number 51 

A Haiku and A Deibide Baise Fri Toin for The Last Challenge Of 24 Seasons  Syllabic Poetry, Number 51 

Herb green and grassy 
like walking in a forest 
new tatami smell 

Kigo: Tatami

Wish I could 
present you to the green cloud;
share part of the scent superb—

Copyright ©️ selmamartin

A Haiku and A Deibide Baise Fri Toin for Colleen’s syllabic poetry challenge:

🤗 Have a relaxing break, dear Colleen. 🤗 

Thanks for reading, All 💕

Photo by selma

Sharing my sky and the first signs of my recovering Myrtle coming into her essence this
year. 😁
Two summers ago I cut her down to knee height, now she’s taller than the noisy black-
eye Susans and friendly Salvia “Amistad” (meaning friendship).

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Perfect for the season.

  2. beth

    engages the autumn senses

  3. Balroop Singh

    Lovely haiku and a beautiful homage to the season.

  4. memadtwo

    Herbs are always a delight. And great sky! (K)

  5. msjadeli

    Selma, I appreciate how you give your plants personalities in your afterword. That’s a great shot, with the color of the blossom rising up into the sky.

  6. D. Wallace Peach

    Beautiful, Selma. I enjoyed the focus on such wonderful scents. I’m going to miss this challenge.

  7. Colleen Chesebro

    Selma, is the scent of tatami like the smell of bamboo? Thanks so much for writing poetry with me through the 24 Seasons of Japan. I have such a great appreciation for the kigo words and the seasons. 🧡

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, pretty similar. But tatami is more Fall-like, earthy. Really green. And both bamboo and rushes (Igusa) are hypoallergenic and act as air purifiers. And that’s not all—
      They provide humidity regulation, have antibacterial function and relaxation effects. Smells nice.
      (Of course some people don’t like it) we like it.
      Thank you, lady. 🙇🏽‍♀️

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