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A Book Review—Sun Haiku: 365 Days of Sunshine by Dawn Pisturino

 My review on Goodreads and Amazon.

A Haiku a day telling of all the moods and woes of Father Sun—fascinating! 

What a splendid idea! I was hooked from the get go. In 74 beautiful pages we zoom past all the colors of the rainbow reading about the largest star in our solar system. Makes me jealous that I didn’t hit on such a great idea for a haiku collection. Hats off to the author. 

Sun Haiku: 365 Days of Sunshine by Dawn Pisturino is every bit a masterpiece. The Author dedicates this lovely collection to her brother who suffered from skin cancer. She tells me that his fair skin and genetic disposition were not suitable for too much sunlight. Mark, who loved the outdoors, died from melanoma and the Author readily prompts readers to seek a medical consultation in case of skin moles and the like. Wow. This act of kindness soon endeared the author to me. 

And the haiku. Each one diverse and full of imagery that kept me turning the pages. All of them about the sun. Amazing work: beautifully poignant and fabulously captivating. 

The haiku are numbered for a complete year of haiku. And as if that wasn’t enough, we are gifted four more haiku in the Leap Year section, and more bonus stories—complete stories, that personify the grand star, the sun. 

From the book, here are two quotes:

“sun — soft as butter/in the biscuit sky — rises/slowly to new heights” ~6

 “The sun sank into/the ocean and drowned. Hear the/cries of the dying!” ~339 

This is such a satisfying collection and I highly recommend it with all my heart. It will certainly appeal to all humans who know this greatest of stars. I give a resounding 5-star rating to Sun Haiku: 365 Days of Sunshine by Dawn Pisturino. 

Friends, if you like haiku, this book should be your next gift to yourself. Or to someone who appreciates haiku. Fabulous!

Thanks for reading my book review. I hope something I wrote piqued your interest.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. beth

    it sounds gorgeous and I love the sun quotes

  2. Michele Lee

    Wonderful review and thoughtful mention of Dawn’s brother. 💝

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading my review Michele Lee dear. Be well. 🤗

      1. Michele Lee

        You’re welcome and you too, Selma. 🤗🌻

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