What Is A Poem?

A poem is an overenthusiastic puppy—

you might look at that puppy from a distance
and refuse to entertain its mind games, or
you may decide to engage it.

The instant you acknowledge the puppy, your
tight lips will turn crooked, and you'll find yourself
talking to it. In other words,

the puppy draws you in—you relax
and engage with the pup on its terms.

Try doing the same with a poem. Give it
voice and watch your ears perk up. Be mindful of
what you hear. Watch how your soul draws

you into the moment. No mind games here—it's
just a pleasant tickle in your brain. Listen
to the hum in your voice. It might take

willpower to acclimate your ear
to what it hears, but when you do, the

cadence in your voice will be the first to change.
Let it. After that, you'll come to understand
a modest bit more about puppies

and probably why poets are such
overenthusiastic puppies.

© selma

What a glorious image: Yard of puppies by Library of Congress is
licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

Thanks for reading. I hope you’re having an extra-special ordinary weekend.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 46 Comments

  1. Melissa Lemay

    My brain is melting. It could be due to the fact that I am just waking up. Or it could be due to this poem, and how you intertwined the poem, the puppy, and the poet. There were also some aspects that took my mind other places, as I imagined a poem personified as a puppy, and I imagined how insistent and urgent puppies can sometimes be.


    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading. And we will blame it on the poem–your mind wasn’t ready for such a puppy that early in the morning. Be well, dear one. I bless you. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      You liked it–aww. Thanks so dearly, dear Yve. I bless you.

    1. Selma Martin

      Lots of love here, David. So happy for this response. Thanks. Have a lovely new week. xoxo

  2. Sadje

    Very interesting analogy Selma

    1. Selma Martin

      hehe, interesting like a puppy it is, Sadje. Thanks for reading and supporting my efforts. Blessing your new week.

    1. Selma Martin

      I am thrilled to know you loved that comparison, dear friend. You have a playful heart too. I love that. Thanks. Have a splendid new week.

  3. I got to be honest – I want to like this metaphor because it’s just so unexpected and adorable 🐶 but I’m not really identifying with this. Maybe I need to read more poetry or play with more puppies? I’m all for unexpected, offbeat metaphor but this one isn’t working for me, I’m afraid. Maybe I’m missing something.

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re missing nothing, dear JYP, it’s all good. Not everything will be clear to all of us at the same time; this was clear to me at the time of writing it. Perhaps the next… Glad for your candid response. Be well, dear JYP and have a splendid new week. I bless you. xoxo

  4. paeansunplugged

    What a wonderful analogy, Selma!
    Being a dog lover, my heart melted at the thought of a poem as a puppy. 😍❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Melted? Now that’s a response! Thanks for liking it that much, dear Punam. Happy new week. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      I love to know that my words did that to you. Keep smiling my sweet friend. Blessings on your new week.
      p.s. are you done with Kundera? I looked high and low for my old copy–I finally found it last night. So happy–now
      I can give it a read. I will be thinking of you as I read. Blessings. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Unique… unique is good. Thanks for reading Shabnam. Have a great new week. I bless you.

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, we are, I dare say. Thanks, Diana. I love your response. I bless your new week. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Overenthusiastic. Thanks for liking the comparison, K. I bless you. Happy new week.

    1. Selma Martin

      You bless me, Jennifer. Glad you liked it. Have a lovely new week.

    1. Selma Martin

      So glad to know this one resonated with you. Puppies are so energetic and full of enthusiasm. Thanks for the lovely comment. I bless you.

  5. Michele Lee

    An incredibly creative and brilliant metaphor! ✍🏻🐶

    1. Selma Martin

      Michele Lee, sweets. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. Happy new week. May all good things come to you.

      1. Michele Lee

        You are welcome, Selma. Your writing is always enjoyable. So is your charming personality. ✨ Thank you! With great gratitude I accept your wishes and send them back to you. 💐

  6. rajkkhoja

    Very nice poem. What great a dog lover,heart melted at thought of poem as a puppy!

    1. Selma Martin

      Heart melted. Aww. Thanks, Raj. Happy new week. xoxo

  7. Hello Selma, this is a delightful poem. I love the idea that poems are like puppies, disorderly, naughty and fun.

    1. Selma Martin

      Hello, Roberta. Yes, yes: disorderly, naughty and fun. I’m so happy to know how you related to this poem. Thank you. And enthusiastic too… Happy new week to you. xoxo

  8. Pooja G

    This is such an accurate comparison and very good advice. Although I consider myself more of an overenthusiastic kitten lol 😅

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh, yes…a kitty then. I love it just the same. Thanks for encouraging me this way, Pooja. Blessings on your new day. xoxo

      1. Pooja G

        Thank you, have a lovely rest of your week 😀

  9. Selma Martin

    Who doesn’t? And kittens and all lovely babies: elephants, hippos, bunnies: all cute. Have a wonderful and productive day today. I bless you. xoxo

  10. Conny

    What a lovely analogy, Selma!

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