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Quotes and A Poem by Ada Limón 🍋

“I used to think I wrote poems in order to help readers recommit to the world. I wanted to believe I was using my intense attention to nature, to beauty, to language in order to offer proof that we should keep surviving. But through the years, I’ve realized the person I am writing for the most is myself. I am the one who needs to be reminded that this life holds all sorts of goodness even when it is often shoved to the edges by the enormity of ugliness or fear. The poems I write, the ones that offer shreds of hope or gratitude, are written because I need that hope or gratitude desperately in that moment—I need it the way plants need light.”  ~ Ada Limón

“Poetry isn’t a place of answers and easy solutions. It’s a place where we can admit to an unknowing, own our private despair, and still, sometimes, practice beauty.”  ~ Ada Limón

With gratitude to Paul of Paul’s Poetry Playground for his lovely curated collection of quotes. A blessing.

How to Triumph Like a Girl by Ada Limón

I like the lady horses best,

how they make it all look easy,

like running 40 miles per hour

is as fun as taking a nap, or grass.

I like their lady horse swagger,

after winning. Ears up, girls, ears up!

But mainly, let’s be honest, I like

that they’re ladies. As if this big

dangerous animal is also a part of me,

that somewhere inside the delicate

skin of my body, there pumps

an 8-pound female horse heart,

giant with power, heavy with blood.

Don’t you want to believe it?

Don’t you want to lift my shirt and see

the huge beating genius machine

that thinks, no, it knows,

it’s going to come in first.

~ Poem by Ada Limón

* * *

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. beth

    she’s wonderful with her words

  2. Cheryl Batavia

    Imaginative and empowering, Ada! 💕 Thank you for posting, Selma!🌹

  3. Melissa Lemay

    I enjoyed reading this again with a new set of eyes. We read it in a writing group I participated in, and I was not a fan. I think it grew on me a bit more today, although I’m still not interested in lifting her shirt and seeing a big, beating horse’s heart today.😅

  4. rajkkhoja

    Beautiful words written you , Selma ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Appreciate you reading 🙇🏻‍♀️ Beautiful word. 👏🏽

  5. Michele Lee

    Great share! Love this one! I recited this after she became the U.S. Poet Laureate. 👏🏻 Thank you for sharing, Selma.

  6. Sadje

    A lovely share Selma.

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