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Good Books Reviewed on Amazon and Goodreads

Hello friends, in this one post I’d like to tell you about three good books
I’ve read and fallen in love with recently. So let me entertain you in this
post and by the end, perhaps you too will be as excited about them as I am.
The Storyteller Speaks

Storytelling in a voice that doesn’t scream at you to make you more anxious

reviewed in Japan on October 11th, 2024

The Storyteller Speaks by Annika Perry is a gem of a book. Just look at the cover
to get an idea of what’s inside. In one phrase, kind language!

I listened to the digital version of this book many nights in a row, each time completing
the entire collection. Each time more mesmerized than the last.

It’s a collection of short stories, flash fiction, and poetry. Many stories are of struggles
and disappointments, some tragic and very sad, like A Green Cage with its still
prevalent tragic miscarriage of justice and the Sofia! story that you’ll just need to read
for yourself. I gravitated a lot to the Role Playing story which comes after the Sofia sad
story. Role Playing is beautiful with an uplifting ending. Perhaps my favorite but then
again they all are extraordinary.

The constant in all of them is the softness of the author’s words to tell the stories. This
created a special connection with me as I went through the many relationships of the
characters in the collection. Great storytelling. 

Perry’s work is palpable—you can tell the kind language arises from a kind place and
so you come to care for the characters right away: they breathe life into every story;
the dialogue is smooth and realistic, and I was happy with the order in which each
story is presented. 

This book of powerful stories, poetry, and soft language won my heart and I’m sure
it will win yours if you’re ready to read powerful stories that don’t scream at you.

I hope to read many more books like this by this author. Satisfied customer. A
resounding five-star rating. 


Pieces Of Me

Insidious Drip, drip, it begins again : Gaslighting

reviewed in Japan on October 11th, 2024

This author was “mentally abused by gaslighting ( a term I was not familiar with back
then). Gaslighting is an insidious, drip-drip erosion of your spirit until there is nothing
left of you.” That’s the first thing I wish to tell you about this emotive poetry

Maggie Watson’s Pieces Of Me is “poetry written by a woman who has had many
life struggles.”

And all she asks of me is “Take what you need from these poems, and know that
there is, always hope!”

In the AFTERWORD of Pieces of Me, the author adds:

Sages across the ages have written lines on pages, whilst preachers have recited
words from the bible. Paragraphs of advice on how to become wise. You can slice
and dice each text or extract the juice from the flesh. No book on earth will prepare
you for this thing called life. To learn is to absorb the pain. In those moments when
it hurts the most with the weight of the world on your shoulders, wisdom you will gain.”

Maggie Wilson’s poetry is without artifice. It’s raw and bruised like the author says
in Bruised Apples —
Should I be considered toxic because I choose not to
my wounds?/
Of course, I could apply gauze to cover my flaws./
That would be far more appealing./
I am healing, peeling back the layers of pain./
If you see my scars as unsightly, then avert your gaze.”// 

And, in the prologue,  “Poetry is not always pretty./
Sometimes, it is angry and raw.”

I practically highlighted the whole book, keen on sharing many lines with you.
But I can’t do that. Instead, I’ll ask that you consider purchasing the book and
add to your knowledge of what gaslighting ‘feels like.’ Like the author herself,
I was not aware there was a word for this kind of abuse.

And I agree, 

“A raised fist or a raised voice.” Abuse!

“Gaslighting is a heinous crime. Give them time behind bars.” Support!

My friends, read the epilogue. Read the afterword. Read this book.

“A wife with two black eyes is not enough to send her husband to jail. Not until
she stabs him as an act of revenge will the law intervene.” How unfair is this reality?
How did we ever become this uncaring? And complacent with this pathetic miscarriage
of justice. 

I’m happy I purchased this book, to reread and recommend and I cannot end this review
without mentioning that I loved how Watson ended the collection: I found kindness at
the end of the book. The kind that poet Naomi Shihab Nye says

“raises its head/
from the crowd of the world to say/
It is I you have been looking for,/
and then goes with you everywhere/
like a shadow or a friend.”//

Kindness. It’s there, especially in part 3, her becoming section. I love how the author
opens like a flower leaving us, the readers, with hopeful words on how to continue
blossoming into the sum of who we are internally. That is kindness!

I loved and highly recommend this book and I bet you will too. And if you do I hope
you leave word for the author to show support too. I’ll return to read your words.
A resounding 5-star rating from me.


Eclectic Verses

I’m so glad this book exists. Please give this book your attention. Help it get seen.

Reviewed in Japan on January 30, 2024

The richness of Eclectic Verses by Radhika Puttige is in the depth of emotions you’ll
encounter between the covers of this book. You might choose to read this short poetry
book from start to finish in one go as could be achieved even by a slow reader like
myself, but I assure you that if you ‘listen’ with your heart you will go back to the start
and read slower a second time.

There’s a generous serving of good poetry in this collection—a variety of topics that
one doesn’t even recognize exists in our world. To have so many within such a short
collection is stellar. There are no superfluous words here! And your heart will expand
after each reading—I assure you: that’s what happened to me.

I loved all the introductory remarks at the start of the different sections. I nodded
along. I also marveled at how the author wrote eloquently to the theme of the
different sections.

That this author is a woman is a perspective that added so much to the prolific lines
penned. A quill kaleidoscopic, indeed!

The poem, “I Am A Curse” felt like a kick on my womb.

Whatever makes us blind to the plight of humans being born female?!
Why, I ask—why! I will never forget THIS poem.

They are worth rereading—each will reward you and linger upon your soul long.

I’m so happy for my digital purchase of this collection. It has touched me so much
that now I’m of the mind to purchase the printed version as well. Does that mean
I can review it twice? I want to try.

Thanks for writing and sharing Eclectic Verses, Author Radhika Puttige. Poetry
like this can change the world for the better. That is my hope.

Concise highlighted sections quoted from the book:

  • Published by Notion Press 2020 Copyright © Radhika Puttige 2020 All Rights Reserved.
  • Always on the run, life today is fast-paced. Mired in its humdrum, we often forget
    to celebrate the tiny moments, which just pass on. Before one realises, a lifetime
    goes by.
  • poems in this book, unveil a cauldron of my thoughts, musings, and a potpourri
    of emotions inspired by everyday life, people, books and experiences.
  • The tapestry of 125 short poems and haiku, are woven together with threads of
    multitude colour.
  • Waiting In the game of life, we often find ourselves waiting….
  • Life is a constant wait for things sometimes long, sometimes short. One just
    needs to enjoy the wait!

I Am A Curse

My soul scavenges for memories/into the past, scouring/for moments/of smiles and

Alas, only to meet a murky wal/ of gloom and darkness/bias and prejudice/abuse and
scorn/burden and guilt/hunger and loneliness/pain and sorrow.

My delicate hands forced/into labour/books and toys being/only a fantasy./The hollow
love, tyrant family/leave me bereft of emotions./The wedding celebrations/shatter my
tender dreams.

For, tonight I shall be crushed/abused and crumpled.

Silently, wiping the/bloodstained tears/stifling the screams/hiding the blackened
body/a lifeless muted me,/will mourn and lament/my birth as a girl.

My body breathes/but my soul is buried deep.//


I appreciate you reading my review, my friends.
Thank you.

AND, let this be a reminder of a great book that will be making its debut very soon.

The publishing date is October 30, 2024

Séduire: Serial Tales & Flash Action

Séduire is a collection of serial fiction tales
and flash fiction standalone stories written over a period
of three years. I want you to feel something,
and with these stories, you will.

This is my way of showing support
to this author.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    My body breathes/but my soul is buried deep.! Very nice & interested written books reviews. Nice your suggestion for books.

    1. Selma Martin

      Raj, these are lovely authors who excite me. I’m so happy the words excite you too. Thanks so dearly for appreciating those lovely lines. Bless you. 🤗

      1. Anonymous

        Thanks,my dearly iam so glad you excited & me. Bless you too🙋

  2. beth

    they each sound wonderful and emotional

    1. Selma Martin

      Beth, each distinct and so worthy of more praise. I’m happy you read the reviews. Bless you.

  3. Sadje

    Lovely reviews Selma. Thanks for sharing

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s my utmost pleasure to share. Thanks for appreciating dear Sadje.

  4. Ephemeral Encounters

    Selma from my heart thank you so very much for your review.
    I am humbled 🙏
    I will rebliog at some point today.
    Thank you for being here and being part of my journey 🤗

  5. Cindy Georgakas

    Lovely reviews, Selma of authors I adore and are so talented! 💓

  6. writerravenclaw

    Three, beautiful, honest reviews. Poetry can be kind, but also shows the struggle too. So much can be said in a few lines and still mean something special.

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