You are currently viewing W3 Prompt #127: Wea’ve Written Weekly—On Mornings
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W3 Prompt #127: Wea’ve Written Weekly—On Mornings

“I hear you, I hear you,” I purr meekly
lingering a second to feel how I uncurl
then gently–oh so gently–I pat the
clock on the crown.

The mountains cradle the sun in
October so the windows I ignore.

“What a gorgeous Wednesday this will be,
I’ve never seen this one before,” I susurrate.

As my feet hit the floor I look ’round for the
old frock and wiggle it on over night-clothes.

I turn on a small light, enough to see the neat
piles sitting by the kitchen sink, head to the
front door, and paste the old cap on my head
to tame the strays.
Half decent, I waddle to the corner with the trash.

A wave to Tanaka-san, a cheery greeting to Suzuki-san
and we align our steps as we walk back in silence.

Returned, I put the cap on its peg, wiggle out of the
frock and, just as the sun goldens the kitchen, I throw
open the windows.

An eager air rushes in, spiced with birdsong, more rays,
and the rustle of leaves prepping for the new day.

The kettle softly bubbles, I grab a mug, pour tepid water
and, like a prayer, I feel it wake up my insides.

A little past eight I hear the garbage truck as I sip the
first of two cups of morning brew with a splash of soy
spiced with the rooster’s approval of the day’s ascension.

Mornings are pure poetry.

Copyright ©️ Selma

Thank you, David, of The Skeptic’s Kaddish, and Lesley, the Poet of The Week
for a lovely prompt that asks us:

Create a poetic scene, based on this imagery:
•It is early morning. You get out of bed and go to the window.

Consider these questions:

  • How do you get out of bed? SLOW
  • What do you see from the window? POETRY!
  • How do you feel? GRATEFUL AND BLESSED
  • How do you begin this day? BLISSED OUT
Here’s that image if you’re not on IG.
Window Poetry by Selma.

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 48 Comments

  1. Melissa Lemay

    Ah! So much to love about your poem, Selma. “”What a gorgeous Wednesday this will be,
    I’ve never seen this one before,” I susurrate.” I love the gratitude you share with us.
    I smiled about “waddling to the corner with the trash”, “like a prayer” waking up inside, and “spiced with the rooster’s approval”. Wonderful!🙏🏻❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Delighted you enjoyed those b sections dear Melissa.
      Hope your migraine has passed. Bless your day.

    1. Selma Martin

      I do too. From my kitchen window, though the scene is the same the enhancements are never the same. All lovely. All new. Thanks for reading. Bless you.

  2. beth

    ah, open the window and welcome in the day!

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, let it in. And inside you.
      Happy you liked, Beth. 🤗

  3. Belladonna

    How true tis is!!! let in the hope and joy while drinking that warm cup of joe.

    1. Selma Martin

      When the world is this chaotic we need to find that one place where we have full autonomy and governance. That place is my inner peace. In my home it begins. And mornings are crucial. As long as I’m able to I will remain intentional.

      Thanks for reading dear Belladonna. Bless you always.

      1. Belladonna

        Selma this is such a beautiful and soft reply. Thank you for this.

  4. rajkkhoja

    Inspiring words written you.

      1. rajkkhoja

        Really, my dear friend Selma 💕

  5. byngnigel

    Mornings are filled with poetic scenes. All of nature knows it. Loved the gratitude and the beauty in this poem, Selma. Amen. ❤️🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for appreciating dear Nigel. I am intentional about my inner peace. (Not cliche) it starts with me. In my home. Where I have full governance. 😜
      My harried hurried days are behind me now. I relish slow morning/ slow starts. I am the captain of my ship. 🤪 and I like to keep the tempest out of the ship for as long as I’m able. Intentionally.
      Thanks for reading. Blessing you, always.

      1. byngnigel

        I can appreciate that..😊😊 you’re welcome, Selma. 💜🙏

  6. Sadje

    I love the vivid imagery your poem evoked. Beautiful

      1. Sadje

        Most welcome my friend

  7. lesleyscoble

    Selma, how lovely your poem is! I reiterate Melissa’s comments. I love that “sussurate” line. Your poem leaves me feeling all is well in the world. Your portrayal of your morning scene is beautifully visual. And your IG window poetry is stunning (I must visit Instagram more!). Thank you, Selma for your heartwarming poem. May your day continue to be beautiful 🌅 xxx

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so much for reading it, dear Lesley. Lovely prompt. I’m intentional about how to go about mornings. I find it sets the stage for my inner peace to thrive. When I was young I rushed.
      When raising kids I “slowed down to hurry” get us where we needed to be.
      Now that we’re empty nesters, slow is how I inhale the mornings. Believe me, nothing boring about slowing down. All is well in (my world) the one place where I feel safest. It matters to me, my inner peace does. It’s no cliché. And the best part all can achieve this: just be intentional. Bless you. All the best, My lovely. 🥰

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m intentional about slowing down the mornings. Thanks for reading, Robbie. Blessings.

  8. paeansunplugged

    What a lovely poem, dear Selma, of such a lovely morning! Love the imagery, the feeling of gratitude and familiar morning tasks. ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      When I was raising the kids and working, mornings were less serene than this. Made time for everything but still we rushed. Now that we’re in a new phase in life slow is the only way for me/us to do mornings. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I highly recommend
      Thanks for appreciating the familiar tasks and yes the feeling of gratitude that I try to portray in this website, dear Punam. Thanks for your readership. Makes me happy. Always. Bless you.

      1. paeansunplugged

        I get that, Selma. My kids will leave home soon and though the mornings will be blessedly less rushed, I will miss them dearly.

        Always a pleasure to read your words full of wisdom and gratitude . You are very welcome. ❤️

  9. Ephemeral Encounters

    Selma what a beautiful way to the start the day.
    You have have blessed our day with the wonderfully vivid imagery in your words.
    Thank you 🤗🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for appreciating Maggie
      I don’t rush. I’m intentional. And I’m the captain of my ship and internal peace. 😁 you dig? Bless you my lovely. ((Big hug))

      1. Ephemeral Encounters

        Yes I dig dear Selma 🤗
        Mindfully you begin your day 🙏
        It was my pleasure to read my friend.
        Hugs back to you.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thank you Maria. Happy you enjoyed reading this. Bless you

  10. This is a beautiful description of morning, Selma. I loved your vivid imagery, and this line made me smile: “paste the old cap on my head to tame the strays.” Those darn strays! 🙂 Lovely poem, my friend.

    1. Selma Martin

      🙃 🧢 on my 👑
      No one judges in the mornings, but still, my brush is no one to be found in the mornings.
      Thanks for reading. Happy it gave you a smile. Be well my lovely lady. Xo keep soaring.

  11. murisopsis

    Selma this is a perfect picture of a leisurely morning. I can almost smell your coffee! Happy Monday!

    1. Selma Martin

      Smell the coffee. So pleased with your lovely comment Val. Hope all’s well with you. 🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m happy you enjoyed the poem Diana. Blessing you.

  12. dorahak

    A deliciously joyous morning and poem, Selma. May you be blessed with many, many more!

    1. Selma Martin

      With many more. Yes please. And may yours be serene too, dear Dora. Thank you for the visit. Always special. Xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks Nicole. I appreciate you reading. Bless you

  13. Kym Gordon Moore

    Oh Selma, what a beautiful and magical response to this prompt my friend. Thanks so much my dear for sharing! 😍🙏🏼🥰💖😊

  14. Anonymous

    Thank you for sharing such an intimate moment with us.
    I like how you pat the clock on the crown (to shut it down), and how you greet this new Wednesday for what it is, a gift given to us, one more day, a brand new one we’ve never seen before XO

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