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Sayonara August—It Was Hard To Love You 


No rain, dry rocks and dry throats
The jellies the warm seas encroach
This year I withhold my vote 
What a bind when you’re this provoked



Month of August I seldom feel cheerful
Humidity and heat make me tearful 
Half-naked sun worshipers distress me 
Cantankerous complainers depress me
I need clouds bursting with buckets of rain
To slay my disdain, make me smile again 

Copyright ©️ selmamartin

“And then the sun took a step back, the leaves
lulled themselves to sleep and Autumn was awakened.”

~ Raquel Franco

August, I know you had a job to do. You did well. Sayonara.



Thanks for reading.

And happy Labor Day Weekend/Monday celebration to all who celebrate this holiday.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 18 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      🤗 Rain. We got buckets full fall after I scheduled that post. How beautiful the sound of rain. Thanks, Diana. 🤗

  1. Sadje

    August is leaving and September seldom brings rain

    1. Selma Martin

      Usually. I wonder how September will bless us this year. I crown her queen already for bringing us closer to the months I love. Bless you, Sadje. See you in September 🤗

      1. Sadje

        Thanks a bunch Selma

  2. trE

    I’m so ready for Autumn, it’s not even funny! I cannot STAND summer. Lol. Sayonara, indeed!

    1. Selma Martin

      A kindred sister. Bring Fall on! Yes.
      Sayonara August. I’m so ready too. 🤣 🍂
      Happy Labor Day Weekend, dear trE. Bless you. See you in September 😉 🤗

      1. trE

        Thank you! Happy Labor Day weekend to you as well! It’ll be September for you first. 😂🤣😆

  3. Selma Martin

    Rain. We got buckets full fall after I scheduled that post. How beautiful the sound of rain. Thanks, Diana. 🤗

  4. beth

    I so love the rain

  5. Michele Lee

    A treat to read your poetry, that flows through you. Thank you, Selma. 😊🩷

    “clouds bursting with buckets of rain” – I will gladly dance with you!

  6. memadtwo

    I agree about the heat and humidity Selma. May September be rainy and cool! (K)

  7. rajkkhoja

    Beautiful words written rain in poem. Here’s still raining.
    I need clouds bursting with buckets of rain
    To slay my disdain, make me smile again !

  8. Dawn Pisturino

    We finally got a nice rainstorm on the last day of August. What a relief! But I’ll tell you, I don’t know where this year has gone. It has slipped by as fast as a greased pig at the county fair (LOL). In fact, I’m looking forward to the county fair next week.

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