Perennial Like Spring

As recent as the other dawning
the violets peeped from the ground
to color the stiff cold gray—
soon, over the prairie fanning

Plum blossoms of white and pink
turned green on the breast of spring
from cherry tree a solitary thrush
sang by himself a song

The lilac bush in the backyard mourns
For it knows why the air is different
I am powerless, my heart draped black
I shall weep with every spring returning

Copyright © selma 2024

Posted by paeansunplugged in Poetics at dVerse Poets Pub:

So, for today’s Poetics challenge, I would like you to write about grief (in general or
personal). If that is something you don’t want to share, you can write about healing,
dealing with loss, or the general state of our world that brings grief to you.

“Where you travel I cannot follow
I’m not welcomed
in the valley yet. So I’ll gawk at the cherry blossoms
recalling last year, oh, Lilly!

As I regard the blooms heartbroken,
my eyes catch a laced
vapor trail. Promptly, the blue wind softens; the veil opens:
I see you waving to me from heaven.”

~ © selma


featured Image: Condesa de Altamira and Her Daughter, María Agustina
by Goya (Francisco de Goya y Lucientes) is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. VJ

    This is so beautiful Selma – deserved a second read.

    1. Selma Martin

      Second read? Aww. Thanks for this great encouragement VJ. ❤️

      1. VJ

        My pleasure.

  2. Sadje

    Beautifully written Selma.

  3. kim881

    Lovely use of colour, Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for the prompt, Punam. A good outlet 🙇🏽‍♀️

  4. sgeoil

    Poignant in a subtle way. I simply loved it.

  5. beth

    nature is all knowing

  6. Deepthy

    Love the image you paint, Selma – so rich and melancholic ❤️

  7. Oh, Selma. This is gorgeous with a feel of tenderness and poignancy. Your writing is exquisite! ♡

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading, appreciating and commenting —you’re such a good encourager —thank you my tomodachi

  8. kittysverses

    You’ve skilfully written about a difficult subject, Selma. Enjoyed reading it. 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      Kitty. Yes. A difficult subject. Thanks for reading. XoXo

  9. This is lovely, Selma, and I can envision the ‘violets peeping from the ground to cover the stiff cold gray.’ xo

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy you see the violets… Thanks most dearly. Bee cool.

  10. Cindy Georgakas

    Each word a treasured gifts if seasons could talk and you just gave them center stage.. I adore this exquisite poem, masterly crafted, Selma! 💓

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for thinking that about my little poem dearest. Bless you.

  11. dorahak

    A sensory-filled re-creation of grief’s awakening: so does it color our senses when it returns. Beautifully written, Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      So lovely you read. Much appreciate you. 👏🏽

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