You are currently viewing Gratitude to HOTEL by Masticadores: Decadent Lipstick Marks by Selma
Image by Beverly Lussier from Pixabay

Gratitude to HOTEL by Masticadores: Decadent Lipstick Marks by Selma

Hello, lovely people. Happy Friday to all.

Here’s the teaser for my new poem:

It’s an honor to have my poem nesting in this lovely literary magazine, Hotel de
Los Corazones Rotos. I’m grateful to Editor Michelle Ayon Navajas at The Hotel
of Broken Hearts, for publishing my poem with a message I hope makes you smile.

Who is Michelle?

Well, glad you asked. But this human is superhuman. I will direct you to one of the
last interviews I read about who this extraordinary human is. My friends, this is one
multi-talented human you will want to know: Let Robbie Cheadle introduce you.

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear this Michelle Ayon Navajas is a humanoid. But I
know better. She is as real as they come. Thanks, Mich, for all you do.

(Published today, July 19, 2024, at 11:00 am CEST).

Featured Image by Beverly Lussier from Pixabay

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    Lovely words written in poem. Nice photo’s on the lipstick 💄💋.

  2. michnavs

    Thank you Selma for sharing ❤️

  3. Robbie Cheadle

    A lovely introduction to Michelle. Going over to read …

  4. Cindy Georgakas

    Oh I love the pup dog kisses.. I’ll head over soon, catching my sea legs💗

    1. Selma Martin

      Sea legs: I’m sure that’s what made me think of maracas 🪇 🤷🏽‍♀️ Hope you’re all better now, Cindy. 🤗

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        Maybe so but probs your ingenious mind. You’re kind. I’m doing well…. still so tired but could be a multitude of factors..thanks for caring❣️

        1. Selma Martin

          Of course I care. Sit down to count the clouds. And if there are no clouds, count your blessings. Just sit down and do nothing. (Im good at that 😜) 🤗 🤗

  5. jonicaggiano

    Dear Selma I loved this piece and found it to be a very interesting and very well written. A great big reminder to all of us to think twice before we judge. Here is my comment on Hotel:
    “Oh what a very clever piece of writing dear friend. People often judge harshly when we really should not judge at all. Love that ending and the photo is precious. I had to smile, a wonderful reminder of how none of us are really in a position to judge. Thank you Selma for this lovely piece and Mich for this heartfelt publication. ❤️🤗❤️love Joni”

  6. Dawn Pisturino

    This poem is a wonderful tribute to love, fidelity, and marriage, dear Selma! And I love that photo!

    1. Selma Martin

      I love the dog photo too. How much he’s loved 🥰 👏🏽

  7. johnlmalone

    a playful poem whose ending caught me with delight 🙂 ps glad I subscribed to you 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      Doubly thanks. I’ve been subscribed for a while too. Wink. Happy you enjoyed this one, John Malone 🤗

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