You are currently viewing Dectina Refrain: Charm and Risk for What Do You See (and what are you eating?)
WDYS #244, July 8th, 2024

Dectina Refrain: Charm and Risk for What Do You See (and what are you eating?)

charm and
risk of the
sample wooed her
the time she gambled:
mad to think she'd fumble...
she lost all friends, poor Carol
now none remembers her jackpot
or whether her soul was authentic
the charm and risk of the sample wooed her

© selma

Written for Sadje’s What do you see prompt #244.

Featured Image: Image credit; Julian Drost @ Unsplash

For the visually challenged reader, this image shows an extended hand. Over the
hand, hovering in the air is a deck of playing cards, enveloped in flames. At the
top of the deck, aces of spades and hearts are visible.

Sadje awaits your responses.

“Gambling can become an addiction, just like drugs or alcohol, if you use it
compulsively or feel out of control. Gambling can affect the part of our brain
that releases dopamine. A ‘feel good’ hormone that creates feelings of pleasure

and reward. When we win a bet, our brain gives us an emotional reward.”
~ Mental Health Foundation

Dectina Refrain: This form was invented by Marion Friedenthal and named
‘Dectina Refrain’ by Luke Prater. It’s written with syllables going:
1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/ 10.
The 10th line comprises the first four lines as one stand-alone line.

Harvesting tomatoes. Our son’s surfboard in the background. But look at that sky! Photo by selma.

We also planted cucumbers, bitter melon (goya), and eggplants as usual.
Our surfer son/turned farmer is providing us white sweet corn on weekends.

All these vegetables are staples for combating the summer heat.

Thanks for reading, dear friends.
Stay in the shade.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Sadje

    This is the truth indeed- gambling of other high risk games are addictive and can effect our lives and personalities adversely. Thanks for joining in Selma

  2. Sadje

    I did leave a comment on your page. I agree with you that any high risk game/ gambling is addictive and can have adverse effects on our lives. Thanks for joining in with this very important message

    1. Selma Martin

      Sadje, your comment came with a different gravatar photo. And that’s not normal. I just found your comment in Spam.

      And isn’t it so annoying, all the spam comments and likes coming through? Tiresome.
      Thanks for commenting as always. Bless you, dear Sadje. Be well. 🤗

  3. beth

    easy to get pulled in –

  4. rajkkhoja

    Beautiful harvesting Tomatoes 🍅. Nice you sharing poem.

      1. rajkkhoja

        Always welcome!
        Same to u!

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