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Trivial Wonderment and A Haiku

Signature Spider

Argiope anasuja

Argiope anasuja or Signature Spider is a species of Orb spider found in Asia ranging from Pakistan to the Maldives. Like other species of the same genus, it builds a web with a zig-zag stabilimentum, somewhat resembling letters.


Like all orb-weaver spiders, Argiope is venomous, using its venom to immobilize prey caught in its web. However, the venom is generally not considered dangerous to humans, typically causing mild symptoms such as localized pain, swelling, or itching if a bite occurs.


The mature female of ”A. anasuja” always rests at the centre of the orb with her head facing downwards. The orb has an opening at the centre and when disturbed she goes through the hole and exits on the other side of the plane of the web.

I disturbed her

I saw her do this after taking the photo and shutting the window.

I don’t like snakes. You might not like spiders—things like snakes and spiders can hurt us, but they usually don’t. Still, many of us will jump on a chair at the sight of one of these creepy-crawlies.

Why are we so scared?

Psychology Today tells me that language, culture, and popular media seem to make sure that we do inherit our most basic fears.

This post is not meant to give you a fright. Just to remind that we are not alone in this wonderful world. And perhaps, like Master Kobayashi Issa, convey a sense of domesticity and acceptance of the natural world. He did just that in the haiku:

don’t worry, spiders
I keep house

© Kobayashi Issa

Issa’s haiku presents a moment of everyday life. It suggests a harmonious coexistence between the speaker and the spider; not fear or avoidance. The casual tone also inspires a sense of tranquility and acceptance.

I was entertained by this signature spider today and wanted to share it with you. Thaz all. Here is my haiku:

I was entertained
she was disturbed but not scared
mutual acceptance

© selma

Photos by Selma

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Very informative post Selma. I have no peeve against spiders 🕷️ but snakes are another thing altogether. 😅😱

    1. Selma Martin

      Right? Snakes give me goosebumps. Glad you found this post informative. Stay cool, dear Sadje. 🤗

  2. Mark S

    Hi Selma,
    I really enjoyed this post and Issa’s haiku. Perfect poem for this!

  3. rajkkhoja

    Nice post for spiderman. You have good weekend, Selma!

      1. rajkkhoja


  4. beth

    i love the spider-inspried haiku. when i sold my house and moved to a condo 4 years ago, i’ll never forget waking up there on the first morning and walking outside, only to be greeted by an amazing display of spider art on my patio, glistening in the sun. i took it as a wonderful welcome.

    1. Selma Martin

      Well that certainly is a special welcome. You still remember that. So cool. Thanks for appreciating the post, dear Beth. Happy weekend to you. 🤗

  5. Monkey's Tale

    I don’t mind spiders, and in fact, I appreciate their artistry. I don’t have a good thing to say about snakes though 😊 Maggie

    1. Selma Martin

      Me too. Nothing good to say about ssssnakes. 🙇🏽‍♀️ I respect them but want them to keep far from me 😳 ppplease
      Thanks, Maggie.

  6. writerravenclaw

    I don’t find spiders scary, but rats I will run away and push people out of the way doing it.

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh Diana. Rats…Push people out of the way. That made me stifle a smile. We all have scares. No rats will I ever send your way. Be safe my friend.

  7. The only snakes in my section of NY are harmless little garden snakes and I’ve come across very few. A few years ago we discovered in our garage something I was able to Google as a ‘spider cricket’. This thing is huge and terrifying; it looks prehistoric. And they JUMP!! I’m usually not afraid of spiders unless they are the big hairy ones, but this spider cricket is not welcome in my house … even if it is the garage. We let our cat go after them and she’s pretty good at getting them but sometimes all she wants to do is play with them! Silly cat! 🕷️🐈‍⬛
    That was a great read, my friend!

    1. Selma Martin

      Cats have their own rules. Regal but silly sometimes. And they probably have a third eye that warns them about venomous crawlers or else… 😅 happy you enjoyed the read. 🤗 🇺🇸 🤗

  8. Great post Selma !
    Thank you ..its wasps that terrify me 🙄
    Have a great weekend!🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      Wasps —I see. I hear wasps are most annoying to brunettes or people with black hats(mistaking them for heads) I think you’re safe. Just don’t wear black hats…
      Be safe dear Maggie. Blessings.

  9. Cindy Georgakas

    Love this ode to spiders doing their job.. just stay out of my house. 🙀🙀💓

  10. Cheryl Batavia


    I am glad I caught this fascinating post.

    Since we use minimal pesticides (We use baits for fire ants, and boric acid if we see a roach ) we have a house full of spiders, mostly the tiny ones with legs much smaller than a human hair. As Cindy says, the big ones are OK outside.

    Hope you are well, Selma! 💕❤️💕

    1. Selma Martin

      All bugs outside my house are beautiful. All. Not so when they come inside. I can tolerate all except centipedes and snakes.
      Last year we had work done on a stubborn back door. The spot was without the door for an hour—tops. Then newly replaced. An hour later a snake! Trying to get out. How it got in, I can only guess. 🙄

      BTW, FYI
      Hey, friend. I borrowed your words for a cento composition on W3. I hope you don’t mind, my lovely. 🙇🏽‍♀️

  11. Isn’t it interesting how so many things can spark a creative thought! My wife is terrified of spiders, so I’m not going to share this post with her. After all, that’s one big spider! Nice haiku. 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      Interesting this thing that sparks when least expected. I’m tolerant of spiders. This spiders signature towers over the little guy. It was two inches taller than the little critter. Don’t show this one to your wife. 🤣 save her from gasping and running off.
      But if ever you think she’d like a sonnet that Zens 🧘 I’d be happy to share. No pressure my friend. Let’s not push it.
      Sending blessings.

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