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A Literary Contraband on Love: Wea’ve Written Weekly–A Cento

Please note: the words in the poem are not mine: I’ve compiled
a Cento Poem out of lyrical utterances from authors I love.
Compiled and presented to W3 for prompt #114:
Posted on July 3, 2024 by ben Alexander

I. The prompt poem:

‘Rio Nuevo/New River’, a poem by Dawn Minott

II. Dawn’s prompt guidelines

  • FORM: Cento
  • THEME: Love

A cento is a poem formed of lines from poems written by others. Cento is Latin for
‘patchwork’ and is composed like a collage or quilt. It is intended to honor other
poets’ poems while presenting your unique work.

Here’s your chance to give homage to your favorite poets. Compose a cento on love
 It can be any length. Description of a cento is accessible here: [LINK]

Essentially, a cento is composed of lines of poetry from other poets’ works. For this
prompt, please weave together as many lines of poetry from other people’s poems
(of your choice) as you’d like

Make sure to note the source poems for the lines you incorporate into your cento!

A cento in the lyrical cacophony of modern voices I love
compiled by Selma

though this be madness, yet there is method in’t–,1

Love has no age, Eighteen, thirty-one, Sixty? Odd and even
numbers. Doesn’t matter. Even if a little unusual.
To be older Or younger Makes youngsters laugh

I don’t know the words he pulled from a seventy-year love…
how he tenderly tiptoed through the syllables, since his heart
was shattering into millions of tiny fragments

That this routine, though simple to some, would not be the same,
would not provide the comforting experience if one of us was not
present? I shudder to imagine such a scenario…

charm the world with verses that soothe5

Splish, splash, splosh, Love is here, glance away!
Oh, what a joy, the sea rides upon us.

Promise you’ll play your drums for me.7

I'd like to listen again to a high school band on a blissful
sunny day with a frosty, five-cent coke in my hand.
Reliving 1956, I'd pass the time away!

When love lingers our songs never end
Our dance begins and begins again

Goosebumps blanket my flesh When love lingers oceans become baths
Waves wash away my fears
The sun bakes my skin No more tears, heaven is here

now branches from my tree those who love me listen with their spirit for
my home is by the sea and my ancient soul is finally free

A walk along the beach in late July; an August promenade beside the lake;
the light which dwells in every lover’s eyes— deep honeyed drink, the lover’s
thirst to slake: All of these things and more, you are to me unfolding, golden,
mirrored ecstasy

You say, “If I forget
who you are, please remember
I love you."

When threats of war surround on every side...vile pestilence, pollution, and
unrest, ambition fades, possessions matter less, but love endures, a desert rose.14

I sing my heart out to you:
not muted nor flamboyant.
Still, where your words or kisses stop it
steady, as the pattern of our love

Seeds of love scatter as they leave. Ruby-red petals gather at your feet.16

Smoke Signals I saw smoke across the valley—your heart on fire—a message
for me Your Voice Suddenly, your voice Calling on the wind.
Bells ring Louder and stronger

How difficult is it for someone who fixes the heart to understand how
the heart functions?

child born under star greeted by angels and kings carrying great gifts19

charm the world with verses that soothe5

We Crown the Wrong Things King
Money, power, wealth and status: we crown the wrong things King.
Simple laughter, human kindness past considering

Many things we have and many things we have
to overcome.
I hope you have more uplifting things
to enjoy
than destructive things you have
to overcome

In this moment, unlike any before, I genuinely believe that today can be okay.
I surrender myself to you, placing my trust and faith in your hands

Love, ultimately the intruder of all senses, grow flowers of such fragility
from each pore of my being, I become a crystal garden.23

though this be madness, yet there is method in’t–,

for W3 Prompt #114: Wea’ve Written Weekly
Love words wooden surface
Write a Cento on LOVE: W3
1 — *Polonius in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet,
2 — Encore: A Collection of Poetry by Zaneta Varnado Johns
3 — Ever So Gently: A Collection of Poems by Lauren Scott
4 — Ever So Gently: A Collection of Poems by Lauren Scott
5 — *Encore: A Collection of Poetry by Zaneta Varnado Johns
6 — Shh, Purely Poetry: Sensual, Love and Relationship Poems by M.J Mallon
7 — Encore: A Collection of Poetry by Zaneta Varnado Johns
8 — Earthly Days POEMS by Cheryl Batavia
9 — Encore: A Collection of Poetry by Zaneta Varnado Johns
10— Encore: A Collection of Poetry by Zaneta Varnado Johns
11— One Petal at a Time by Joni Karen Caggiano
12— To Catch a Poem by Ingrid Wilson, Publisher Experiments in Fiction
13— Three-Penny Memories, A Poetic Memoir by Barbara Harris Leonhard
14— Earthly Days POEMS by Cheryl Batavia
15— Archery in the UK by Nick Reeves and Ingrid Wilson
16— Ephemeral Encounters (Her Book of Words): A Collection of Poetry by
Maggie Watson
17— Lunar Gazing Haiku by Dawn Pisturino
18— Coming Home by Smitha Vishwanath
19— Lunar Gazing Haiku by Dawn Pisturino
*5 — Encore: A Collection of Poetry by Zaneta Varnado Johns
20— To Catch a Poem by Ingrid Wilson, Publisher Experiments in Fiction
21— Being A Woman - Overcoming - A Poetry Collection by Michele Lee Sefton
22— Locker by Michelle Ayon Navajas
23— One Petal at a Time by Joni Karen Caggiano
*1 — Polonius in William Shakespeare's Hamlet,

Cento compilation by Selma Martin #support #indieauthors

Please look for these titles wherever you purchase good books.
Ever So Gently
Shh, Purely Poetry
Earthly Days
One Petal at a Time
To Catch a Poem
Three-Penny Memories
Archery in the UK
Ephemeral Encounters
Lunar Gazing Haiku
Coming Home
Being A Woman

Thank you for reading.
Happy celebrating to all.

Selma Martin
Follow me

This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    Inspiring words written in poem.

      1. rajkkhoja


  2. Sadje

    Wow! A wonderful compilation Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      So appreciative for this “wow”. Thanks, Sadje. 🤗

  3. Selma I am in awe of your writing !
    Thank you so much for putting my book in your list 🤗
    I am humbled my friend 🙏

  4. Aboli Mane

    A dazzling, heart touching compilation ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Hello Aboli. What a pleasure. Thanks for the visit. Happy you liked it.
      You’re welcome anytime. Blessings.

  5. Oh my goodness, Selma! What a wonderful weaving of words! The flow was seamless and read as though written by one person. Reading this was pure joy! Lovely! ♡

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. So glad you enjoyed it. Your comment is encouraging. Bless you 🙇🏽‍♀️

  6. VJ

    Well done. Such hard work

    1. Selma Martin

      Hard word it was. Yes. But I’m glad it came out reading as a cento. Thanks for the encouraging comment. Have a nice weekend VJ. 🤗

      1. VJ

        You’re welcome Selma. You too!

  7. Suzette Benjamin

    Well done, Selma! I love how many great poets you honored in your beautiful poetic quilt. Fabulous cento!!

    1. Selma Martin

      I centered only on poets this time. Some.
      So pleased you enjoyed it dear Suzette. Be well. Be safe. Be cool.

  8. Anonymous

    Wowwww Selma. Your cento is boss!!!! The connectivity so skillfully woven across these many poetic voices created a beautiful poetic quilt. Love love Love it!!

  9. murisopsis

    Selma I am dumbfounded – I love how you brought this full circle with Shakespeare… And the weaving of numbers throughout really struck me as genius!

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re kind. Thanks for appreciating dearest Val. You’re the genius here. 🤗

  10. ben Alexander

    This is so wonderful, Selma! I especially like Joni’s line about goosebumps!

    Much love,

    1. Selma Martin

      Isn’t it beautiful?! I think so too. Thanks for saying. 🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      Lovely lovely to get new blood in here. It’s wonderful! Congrats. And I saw it’s up through Sally’s post. Wow. She aced it. Wonderful.
      And so I scribbled my limerick. Will post over the weekend. (Gosh how quickly the weeks pass). Bless you, David.
      You’re so amazing giving me the heads up weekly. Too kind. You can skip it. I will come anyway. Bless you. Have a great Wednesday. Good night, David.

  11. Smitha V

    Omg! This is so amazing and must have been so tough. Seriously, how did you manage to get it all to fit in so perfectly. I read the poem and had no idea which lines from my book were in it until I saw the key below. I’m so honored that you chose lines from my book, Selma. It means so very much. Thank you for bringing my book to life again. XOXO

    1. Selma Martin

      You know, that line stuck in my head. Then I went looking and bang! It was still there. Thanks for letting me use it this way. I always want to support good literature. Keep blessing us. Good night. 💤

  12. Anonymous

    Beautiful. Oh, to find love such as depicted…
    “I sing my heart out to you:
    not muted nor flamboyant.
    Still, where your words or kisses stop it
    steady, as the pattern of our love.”
    “When love lingers our songs never end
    Our dance begins and begins again9

    Goosebumps blanket my flesh When love lingers oceans become baths
    Waves wash away my fears
    The sun bakes my skin No more tears, heaven is here” <3

  13. Wow, Selma, what a beautiful piece that you wove together! I’m sorry I missed this while on a much-needed blogging break. But I’m so honored that you included my lines and mentioned my book. Thank you so much, my friend!
    Sending hugs! xo

    1. Selma Martin

      Sending hugs, Lauren. It’s my greatest honor to promote you… xoxo

  14. michnavs

    Wow, how could I miss this post. Thank you Selma for including excerpt from Locker. You really good at this form 👏👏👏

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re a busy bee 🐝 my friend. You’re just tooooo awesome.
      Thanks for reading. Bless you. Good night.
      See you 😉 tomorrow. 🤗

      1. michnavs

        Ah 🤭🤭🤭busy bee indeed Selma🤗

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