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Moonwashed Weekly Prompt--Sultry Dreams; Image by Sushuti from Pixabay

Moonwashed Musings—Sultry Dreams Harbored in The Lantern Room

This post is written for Moonwashed Weekly Prompts–Sultry Dreams

Featured Image: Image by Sushuti from Pixabay

The Lantern Room

Under this hardy chariot,
sturdy like Pharos Lighthouse
that informed and instructed
vessels from hazardous shoals,
stands a warm interior
contained in the lantern room.
Capacious it is not
nor does it need to be
it’s purpose is amity
atop the turmoil of seas.
It’s where I keep a stronghold
and harbor new defenses
to ward off fears, sprout lenses
that invite light to stream in.
I nourish sultry dreams here
and jot them down for later.
When my chariot crumbles
these dreams will linger on as
beacons to guide me to reefs,
traverse my soul to Egypt
without that hardy chariot.
© selma


Questions I had after the poem settled: Here are the answers–
(Source: Google)

  • Zaki’s Reef is a small, shallow fringing reef 55 km south of the Suez Canal in
    the Red Sea off the coast of Egypt, and is situated at the northernmost limit of
    coral reefs’ geographic range. The reef is adjacent to a desert with one of the
    highest evaporation rates in the world.
  • 9,679 km, the distance from Japan to Egypt
  • A migrating monarch can fly up to 2,500 or sometimes even 3,000 total
    miles before reaching its destination. A monarch can travel over 100 miles in a
    single day with the right conditions. These butterflies coast on air currents to
    move quickly and conserve energy.

I’m confident you get my drift.
Friends, keep the windows in your lantern room clean.
I bless you and wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Love the shape of your verse, Selma; a stroke of brilliance! 💡
    Lighthouses are incredible, from the tiny to the grand. I’ve often wondered about the life of a lighthouse keeper and think I would enjoy living in one. The views are phenomenal and constantly changing. And no one will ever build right next door!
    Wonderful, cara amica! 🌟

    1. Selma Martin

      You know, Cara Mia, I was impressed with how that came out too. And you should see how I counted syllables. (I like counting syllables—something I learned from Mary 0!)
      I like light houses too. Yes I do.
      Did you happen to read V Woolf’s To the Lighthouse? I suffered such pleasure with the book.
      …fecundity… and such squirrel-like introversion typical of mothers/women. Wow. I loved that book.
      Anyway, forgive me Got carried away.
      Thanks so dearly for sharing your thoughts. Bless you.

      I know you left a comment that went unanswered. I will. Forgive. I will. 🙇🏽‍♀️

      1. OMGoodness! I haven’t read that book in ages. And yes! You should be proud of that design. It’s fab! I don’t worry about comments. We’re inundated by them and its easy to lose track. Blessings to you, my dear!

    1. Selma Martin

      The eyes are the windows to the soul. Let’s always keep them clean.
      Maggie. I bless you. Thanks for reading my lovely. 🤗

  2. Michele Lee

    It is interesting how many questions arise when we are writing, isn’t it? I watched a documentary about the flight behavior of monarchs a few years ago. Incredible! I get your drift and I love your poem. 🌟

  3. Ingrid

    A wonderful extended metaphor, Selma! 💡

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for appreciating that, dear Ingrid. 🙇🏽‍♀️

  4. Eugi

    A metaphoric masterpiece. Lighthouses are fascinating and have eyes that see all souls. Brava!

    1. Selma Martin

      Such lovely words, Eugi. Your lovely prompt was stellar. Thanks.

  5. Indira

    So beautiful and insightful.

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