You are currently viewing What do you see # 242- Wounds I’ve Healed
#WDYS prompt 242: Image credit; Michael Dziedzic @ Unsplash

What do you see # 242- Wounds I’ve Healed

Written for Sadje’s WDYS prompt after a 2-week hiatus, Welcome Back, sweet Sadje.

For the visually challenged reader, this image shows a mechanical mask held by a
metal hand. Both the eyes are staring in different directions.

Sadje awaits your response.

Decorative divider, drawing illustration
Image: Openverse

A word before you read my poem:
I too am surprised at the outcome;
this post might sound as if I’m praising the lady robot,
when I sat to write about human resiliency in the face of discrimination.

Wounds I’ve Healed

It is twice as long as it used to be
with words of pain, words of horror
my face is marred with permanent
marks that will never go away

but every word, every scribble
translates differently today
for I wrote them as I stumbled
on left feet over and over

see without a pen and notepad
to catalog the zooming gloom
my plight would’ve gone unnoticed
if I hadn’t scribbled something down

the words you see on the face I show you
don’t let the grimness pull you down
I’ve risen above the horror
and now read like landmarks of hope

cleansed of all negative energy
endowed from Black Onyx and cloud puffs
I am at home with firm foundation
don’t let my blemished face pull you down

© selma

“I am too intelligent, too demanding, and too resourceful
for anyone to be able to take charge of me entirely.
 No one knows me or loves me completely. I have only myself.”

~ Simone de Beauvoir

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. beth

    I’m glad you have had a positive life-affirming experience, and sad for all that you have suffered in the past, and applaud your strength in going on and rising above it

    1. Selma Martin

      thanks so dearly, Beth. Now is all that matters, really. Hugs.

  2. judeitakali

    This feels so personal and relatable. Thank you so much for sharing, Selma.
    The final quote is defiant and resonates greatly with me.🤗🙏🏾❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      so happy you read and liked and even resonate with something here, Jude. Bless you. All the besst.

  3. Sadje

    This is a lovely and insightful piece Selma. Thank you so much for joining in.

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s always a real pleasure, dear Sadje. Never a dull moment or photo with you. Thanks, always.

  4. My interpretation of this, Selma, is that we women all wear masks at different times throughout of our lives, self-imposed or forced upon us. For reasons only we can understand, we keep our true visage hidden; sometimes that is the best option for everyone. I thought this was incredibly evocative and relatable. Thank you!

    1. Selma Martin

      I love it that you shared your interpretation with me, Nancy. How true that is; feel the same way. That mask, if it adds value, then it’s vital for sometimes its what saves us. It’s when we become the mask that problematic. Thanks so much dear friend for thinking it evocative. Bless you. hugs

      1. I’m so glad to know you are there, Selma. You have such an uplifting spirit! Bless you. Here come the hugs! 🫶🏼

    2. Selma Martin

      And happy of happiest Fourth of July. Stay safe and in the shade please. cheers

  5. Destiny

    a poignant and profound share, Selma🤍🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m delighted you enjoyed this dear Destiny. Blessings on your week. May it not be too hot/too cold where you are. Enjoy.

  6. Suzette Benjamin

    Poignant and moving piece, Selma.
    I was touched by your verse:

    “See, without a pen and notepad
    to catalog the zooming gloom
    my plight would’ve gone unnoticed
    if I hadn’t scribbled something down”‘

    1. Selma Martin

      This feedback is gold. Thanks Suzette. How sweet of you. Be well and enjoy your summer celebrations dear friend. bless you

  7. Kym Gordon Moore

    WOW Selma, I am speechless and that is a hard thing to do. You addressed this prompt with sensitivity and a deep profound spirituality my dear friend. 🤗🙏🏼😊

    1. Selma Martin

      you are much too kind dear Kym. Thanks dawlin’ Happy celebrating. Happy Fourth of July.

      1. Kym Gordon Moore

        You are so very welcome Selma and I mean that. Thank you for the 4th of July wishes and enjoy the rest of your awesome week. Hugs and smooches my dear friend. 🥰🥂😍💖😘

  8. LuAnne Holder

    So enjoy this uplifting poem and its message that is so worthy of notice.

    1. Selma Martin

      you are so welcome dear LuAnne. So happy you enjoyed it. Happy Fourth of July Celebrations…before and after. Stay safe and in the shade, please. Here’s looking at you, America.

  9. memadtwo

    I like thinking about landmarks of hope. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      Landmarks of hope are everywhere. Thanks dear K. And happy fourth of July. I bless you.

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