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Moonwashed Musings: Hope for

Prompt published by Eugi on 11 June 2024

Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Hope for

Written for at Moonwashed Musings…

I hope for a change of scenery
to quell the disquiet of the day,
to help embrace diversities
without fault finding but to ferry
all to friendly fields that convey

Fields that convey what we store within
despite creed, tinge or orientation
for now we're aware of how we connect;
and why in the world do those things matter?

We eat different food, wear different
clothes, have different customs and speak
different tongues—what does it matter if
one wears a suit, another a sari,
another a grass skirt?

We all fall in love, get up when we fall,
want someone to hold, a family to
cherish, purpose to care, and prudence
to be happy—a place to belong

We want to not be afraid of the dark:
Literally. Figuratively. Dubiously.
We want to live a long time and die
a good death—What else matters?

Deep down inside we all cry when we're
hurt, laugh when we're joyful, and feel
the rumble in our stomachs when hungry.

Though we look and behave differently
we're all the same—All lovely. All quiet.
All human. All the same. We bleed red
and we all hope for a change of scenery.

©️ selma

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 44 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      All the same. Deep down inside, exactly the same. Thanks for reading and commenting, Dawn. 🤗

  1. Destiny

    hope for… all that flows beautifully through your words, dear Selma🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so pleased you liked this one Destiny. Always a pleasure. Bless you.

  2. Lori Palmer

    I really liked today’s poem. It spoke to me.

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, Lori. This comment made me so happy. Thanks for being here. I’m so happy this one drew you in and prompted you to leave a comment. Bless your heart my friend. I hope all’s well with you. Let me know if I can help with writerly stuff. Always a pleasure.

  3. sgeoil

    Yes. Excellent take on the prompt.

    1. Selma Martin

      Heather, blessings my dear. Thank you so much for these words. 🤗

  4. I.V. Greco

    I hope everyone sees the truth in your words! Nice take on the prompt.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, I.V. Very kind of you to say that. I hope more words like these seep into everyone because it’s time we all woke up from the dream. Bless you.

    1. Selma Martin

      I second your absolutely… Thanks, Grace of the Sun, dearest.

  5. dorahak

    Indeed we do, and what an inspiring way to live with such hope in our hearts. 💝

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks most dearly for the comment, dear Dora. xox

  6. Eugi

    Your words are beautiful and true, Selma. Hopefully, in our lifetime, we will be united and the world will be a happier place. 💗

    1. Selma Martin

      In our lifetime. yes, that would be so nice. Thanks dearly. Lovely prompt, Eugi. Happy to participate. Bless you always.

      1. Eugi

        You are most welcome, Selma, and always a pleasure when you join in. 💗

  7. Michele Lee

    Thank you for writing! A deeply moving poetic observation about humanity. 💖👏🏻

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, glad, it’s my pleasure. And I think we need more people to know this. Always so happy to see your lovely face in my feed, dear Michele Lee. Bless you. hugs.

      1. Michele Lee

        Well, you are doing your part. The butterfly effect flourishes with you. 🥰 🦋

  8. memadtwo

    These are good thoughts Selma. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      Thoughts that we need to put into action worldwide. Thanks, always, K. xoxo

  9. Ingrid

    Beautifully well said, Selma!

  10. Indira

    So true, Selma. Yes we all hope for… You have written beautifully.

  11. johnlmalone

    this is a timely poem: inspirational and true —

  12. Jules

    Wise verses. Now if only world leaders would listen…

      1. Jules

        And maybe also aquire some brains…

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