You are currently viewing Challenge No. 34, 5/14/24, Part II: The Beginning of Summer, May 5-19–Rikka 立夏
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Challenge No. 34, 5/14/24, Part II: The Beginning of Summer, May 5-19–Rikka 立夏

Image ©️ Colleen Chesebro

The Beginning of Summer, (May 5-19) Rikka 立夏

Welcome to the 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #TankaTuesday!

This week for #TankaTuesday we’re in the second week of the season,
The Beginning of Summer, as we follow the 24 Seasons of Japan. The dates
are based off of the lunisolar calendar, often called an agricultural calendar.
The traditional Chinese and Japanese lunisolar calendar divides a year into
24 solar terms.

This week: Your writing invitation is to choose one of the 24 Forms for your
poem. You can use the kigo words and phrases from the Part I challenge post
HERE, or from the 500 Kigo Words you can use the phrases I’ve created below:

Below are three kigo phrases for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Use one kigo phrase in each of your three poems in whatever order you’d like.

Northern Hemisphere: Early Summer

  • #1: “the month of Maying” from Rall (I can’t leave her messages)
  • #2: “young leaves”
  • #3: “cooling on the porch”

Please click on the link for Southern Hemisphere:
Early Winter suggested words 

“May is not a time for melancholy. It is a time for abundance and bursting forth.
Let’s take joy in this month with our hearts fully open to the reliably warm weather,
the beauty of the new green coming up, and the promise of summer ahead.”

Today is my dear husband’s birthday. My poems created in his honor. 

For this week: Tanka prose, Dodoitsu 

Tanka prose: Grand Month 

The month of Maying begins at the end of April when the currents flow us forward
into the glorious arms of May —we started with golden week and paused only for
our anniversary and now a new year begins for a river that swerves us onward.
Whatever tomorrow brings, gaily we’ll float through May and when the crackling
sun licks us we’ll still be thinking fondly of May. 

one more silver thread
on your brow and thinning hair
there is no sadness
only joy in abundance
grand month the month of Maying


remember when we were green
behind the ears like young leaves
figuring how it all works, 
cooling on the porch

      © selma

Kigo: the month of Maying, young leaves, cooling on the porch.

Image: Pixabay Pexels / 9142 images

Thanks for reading

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. Melissa Lemay

    “one more silver thread
    on your brow and thinning hair”

    I’ve got lots of those. In my hair and every once in a while on pops up in my eyebrows.

    1. Selma Martin

      Eyebrows. Yes. Soon they’ll land on eyelashes. That one is sad. 😔
      Thanks for reading and commenting dear Melissa. Blessings.

  2. Cindy Georgakas

    Happy bd to your hubby. What a beautituful poem for Colleen’s challenge, Selma. Ditto on Melissa.. love that line❣️

    1. Selma Martin

      Hehe. A received a good line to share. Yay. Thanks so much dear lady. Glad you liked. Xo

  3. yassy

    That’s so cute, Selma. Have a good one, you two.

  4. Colleen Chesebro

    Happy Birthday blessing to your husband, Selma. I love the lines: “One more silver thread
    on your brow and thinning hair.” This is so perfect to show the passage of time. I hope you have a lovely celebration prepared. Sending huge hugs! 💖

    1. rajkkhoja

      What a beautiful poem.

  5. Gwen M. Plano

    Happy birthday to your husband, Selma. I love your tender poem. ❤️

  6. GraceoftheSun

    Wonderful poem so beautiful, Selma. Happy Birthday to your husband. 💕

  7. Michele Lee

    A delightful poem, sweet Selma! Enjoy the celebrations! 🎂

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading Michele Lee. And for the birthday 🎂 message. 😉 🤗

  8. beth

    What a lovely poem and a happy birthday to your husband

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy you enjoyed the poem Beth. And thanks for the celebratory message. Xo 🤗

  9. Destiny

    a precious gift…your words🙏
    Happy birthday to your husband, Selma. 🤍

    1. Selma Martin

      Most delighted dear one. And thanks for the BD message too. Bless you Destiny.

      1. Destiny

        my pleasure…and thank you, Selma… blessings are always needed 🙏
        bless you too 🌷🤍

      1. Sadje

        You’re most welcome. A very happy birthday my friend

  10. Ju-Lyn

    “One more silver thread … Joy in abundance” I love it! Happy birthday to your dearest.

  11. msjadeli

    Selma, exquisite verses brimming with genuine affection. Your husband and you are blessed to have each other.

    1. Selma Martin

      Lisa I appreciate you reading and commenting. Blessings

  12. Smitha V

    Such a lovely birthday poem, Selma. I’m so glad i got to read it. Belated happy birthday to your husband. XXX

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