You are currently viewing 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 42, Growing Heat
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24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 42, Growing Heat

Written for tanka Tuesday at Colleen Chesebro for July 9, 2024 prompt which celebrates
the season of Beginning of Midsummer in the Northern Hemisphere, inviting poets to
express the effects of this time and use kigo words in their syllabic poetry.

For this week I chose to write a bussokuseki.

Bussokuseki-style is an archaic poetic device in which six lines are written in a
5-7-5-7-7-7 mora pattern. It’s an ancient form of waka (tanka), but there is an
extra seven-syllable line at the end of the form.

How I Stay Cool in the Growing Heat

We chill the honeydew melons and watermelons in a cooler box.
We also eat lots of bitter melons (goya) that we grow ourselves.

Um, did you see my tomatoes:

Harvesting tomatoes. Our son’s surfboard in the background. But look at that sky! Photo by selma.

Read hear for all the details on Syllabic Poetry:

Thank you so much for reading my bussokuseki.
(what are you eating?)

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Sadje

    A lovely poem Selma. Melons 🍉 are good to beat the heat

      1. Sadje

        Thanks my friend. Today the weather is very nice. Rainy and windy.

  2. memadtwo

    Melon is the perfect antidote to the heat. (K)

  3. beth

    sweet and sour and cool and lovely

  4. Lisa

    That is wonderful! I love the salt lingering. Salt from caramel perhaps, but for me I think of salt left on our skins in the heat. So, both, which makes this double lovely. Cooling from the inside with melon. Much more cooling than ice cream I think.

    1. Selma Martin

      Doubly thanks. Melon is cooling. Stay cool please. Thanks for reading and commenting. 🤗

  5. Robbie Cheadle

    Both of these poems are lovely. Selma. I love the smell of melon and tomatoes growing the natural sunshine.

  6. msjadeli

    I enjoyed your whole post, Selma. Cold fruits can quench thirst so well. We had our fill of watermelon for the 4th of July.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so much for reading commenting. Melons are cooling.

  7. Colleen Chesebro

    I love melon, Selma. It’s hot here too. I hope the heat finally settles down for you. Happy Sunday! 💖

    1. Selma Martin

      We love melon too. Hope you’re safe from storms over there. And cool. Happy new week to you. 🤗

      1. Colleen Chesebro

        It’s hot and humid, Selma. We had wicked storms last night, and more predicted for tonight. YIKES!

    1. Selma Martin

      caramel, salted. I love it. Stay cool dear Belladonna. Blessings.

  8. Anonymous

    Ohhh I love this poem, with melting caramel days and the salt from heat – salted caramel ice cream comes to mind and I can just imagine the smell of fresh summer melon – wonderful

    1. Selma Martin

      Suzanne, thanks for the appreciation of the words. fresh melons are wonderful indeed. Bee safe my friend. xo

  9. kittysverses

    Enjoyed your sharing of your world with us, Selma. You are amazing. I enjoy caramel and melons. 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      so happy to hear you say that, dear Kitty. YOU are AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL. Stay sweet. ((HUgs))

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